Friday, April 13, 2012

Size of your belly while pregnancy

Sometimes it seems for pregnant women that their belly is growing before their eyes, or, on the contrary, it's almost unnoticeable. Let's read experts comments on this question.

Which factors sizes of belly during pregnancy depend on?

Height of belly, i.e. height of uterus normally corresponds to the term of pregnancy. For example, on 32nd week of pregnancy it should be 32-33 cm. And volume of belly depends on a woman's individual peculiarities. Sometimes anatomic structure affects it: miniature women with slim pelvis have bigger belly, than tall women with full thighs have. But most of all growth of belly is connected with pregnant woman's general weight gaining. This is the factor which a woman should always pay attention to.

Which weight gaining is considered to be normal?

Every woman has her own individual norm. It depends on index of body mass, which can be calculated according to a special formula. Divide weight in kg on height in square meters. Normal index is from 19,8 to 25,9. If you're expecting twins, add at least 2,3-4,6 kg to this figures. Majority of women gain 40% of weight during the first half of pregnancy, 60% - during the second. If a woman had normal weight before pregnancy, then in the first term she may gain 1,5-2 kg, during the second - 0,5 kg a week, and for the whole 9th month - no more than 0,5-1 kg. Weight should be increased evenly and little by little. Normal baby's development depends on this.

What are the dangers of overweight?

If a woman gained too much weight, both she and fetus may experience troubles. Excessive weight gaining - is one of the symptoms of late toxicosis, unhealthy state of a pregnant woman. Late toxicosis may lead to development of miscarriage threat. Under such circumstances, a woman begins feeling pains in waist and lower part of belly. In extremely serious cases premature delivery or premature placenta exfoliation may take place. Moreover, overweight makes muscles work difficult. It also leads to edemas on feet, front abdominal wall, hands. Back and calf-leg muscles begin aching, blood circulation in legs' veins is gets broken, varicose disease becomes more intense. Pregnant woman gets tired more often and strong, becomes irritable. As for fetus, late toxicosis may cause chronic anoxaemia and even pre-natal death. Very full women's risk of such complications is higher.

What can cause extremely quick weight gaining during pregnancy?

Sometimes those who like eating well gain weight quickly. However, moderation in eating still doesn't guarantee normal weight. Too much liquid may accumulate in some women's organisms - for example, when kidneys work not well enough. So, if a pregnant woman gains weight too quickly, she should check quantity of liquid she drinks and evolves for day-and-night. Healthy woman evolves more liquid, than she drinks. And accumulation of liquid in organism leads to overweight. Then not only external organs, but also internal become swollen. Placentas' edemas are especially dangerous: they break normal fetus development.

How can a pregnant woman get rid of edemas?

While visiting maternity welfare centre, she should pay careful attention to recommendations concerning regimen of nutrition, which a doctor will give to her. As a rule, doctors advice all pregnant women to limit salt, piquant, fried and fat products consumption. The matter is that these products contribute to liquid accumulation in organism and lead to edemas. Once in 10 days it is recommended to arrange fasting days. Of course, this doesn't mean a pregnant woman should go without food. Hunger is categorically contra-indicated to a future mother. During fasting days a pregnant woman should restrict herself with certain products, for example, apples, cotton cheese, kefir, meat in strictly determined quantities. Moreover, she should observe confinement to bed - this improves liquid excretion out of organism. Diuretic herbs also help a lot. However, she shouldn't restrict quantity of liquid drunken suddenly. She should drink no less than 1,2-1,5 liters per day-and-night.

It turns out that it's rather simple to struggle with edemas?

Unfortunately, not always. Weight gaining depends on kidneys' work in many aspects. Thus, for example, weight is gained quickly if a woman has chronic urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis. Sometimes pyelonephritis appears already during pregnancy. As hormonal background is changing during this period. Organism begins producing more of a hormone, contributing to urinary tracts dilation. And various infections come to kidneys through these open gates. That's why all pregnant women should pass bacteriological test of vagina's excretions, control urine analyses constantly.

What if a pregnant woman has too big fetus and this explains her overweight?

Such thing happens sometimes. But this may testify of another problem. Very often women suffering from diabetes have big fetus. If a woman herself was born being big, then she needs to check sugar content in blood and urine, as diabetes can proceed also in latent form. Sometimes diabetes appears already during pregnancy. Again because of hormonal background change. Such pregnant women are in a risk group - even if heightened sugar content was shown only on one of several tests. By the way, overweight during pregnancy often force accoucheurs to use Cesarean section.

On which terms sudden weight gaining is specially unwanted?

Excess weight gaining is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy, to be more exact, since 20th week. And the earlier such complications happen, the more difficult confinement a woman will have. That's why we recommend women to take care of their weight, take arterial pressure on both hands and urine tests. If a woman has late toxicosis, as a rule, her blood pressure increases and albumen appears in urine. If all 3 symptoms are found - edemas, heightened blood pressure and albumen in urine - a woman is urgently hospitalized.

Probably my question will surprise you. Is it possible to "adjust" a size of fetus somehow?

I think, yes. Balanced nutrition, including products, rich in animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals, is necessary for this. A woman should take vitaminous preparations for sure. Of course, these are copy-book truths, but a woman observes these rules not always, for this or that reason.

Apparently, size of belly depends also on quantity of amniotic fluids? Does liquid a woman drinks influence them?

No. Reasons of excess of amniotic fluids are quite other: diabetes, anomalies of fetus development, Rhesus-conflict, infectious complications. If a woman has little amniotic fluids, this quite often means she will give birth to a post-mature baby.

Probably, too small belly is better, than too big?

No, I wouldn't say that. Insufficient weight gaining often leads to defect of fetus development, giving birth to a very small baby, premature birth, and sometimes even to death of a new-born. Pregnant women should strive for "golden middle". By the way, American scientists noticed that women with optimistic view on life give birth to babies of small weight less often. Experts explain that optimist women take care of their health better: do exercising regularly and eat well.

Is there a straight dependence between a pregnant woman's emotional state and excess kilograms?

Probably, there is. You know, being under stress situation, some women begin eating any food they see and emptying fridge. Here goes excess weight. And, on the contrary, other women just cannot eat at all in stress situation. That's why it's so important for close people and future mother herself to take care of her stable, calm emotional mood.

Approximate allocation of weight gained during pregnancy Baby 3,5 kg Placenta 0,675 kg Amniotic fluid 0,8 kg Increased uterus 0,9 kg Breasts 0,45 kg Volume of mother's blood 1,5 kg Intracellular fluid of mother 1,4 kg Adipose cellulose of mother 3,25 kg GENERAL WEIGHT INCREASE 11,9 kg.


What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure used to treat wrinkles and skin irregularities, typically on the face. It utilizes concentrated light beams aimed at the skin and pulsing in a short pattern to burn away the layers of skin. This procedure is sometimes called a laser peel or lasabraision.

Types of Laser Skin Resurfacing

There are two main types of laser skin resurfacing currently being used by cosmetic surgeons. CO2 laser resurfacing uses ultrapulsed, or short pulsed, light energy and scans the area to remove the skin's layers. It can be used on most facial abnormalities, including enlarged glands, skin cancers, warts, scars, birthmarks, and wrinkles. It works best on abnormalities that are somewhat superficial.

Erbium laser resurfacing is used for deeper wrinkles on the face and other areas of the body. This technique causes fewer side effects than the CO2 laser and also has a shorter recovery time. Those treated with a CO2 laser typically have a two-week recovery time, while the erbium laser requires only one week of recovery time.

The Procedure
The procedure is typically the same no matter what type of laser is used. Laser skin resurfacing is an out patient procedure and begins with local anesthesia to block the pain. Some doctors will administer sedatives as well to keep you calm during the procedure. A full-face treatment takes between an hour and a half and two hours, while a partial procedure is done in 45 minutes or less.

The Recovery
Recovery takes between one and three weeks. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities as soon as their pain allows, but the treated area will be red and tender for a few weeks after treatment. Be prepared for the fact that the treated area will both look and feel like a moderate sunburn after treatment, complete with peeling skin, itching, and burning sensations. This is normal, and it will fade with time.

Wound Care
Laser skin resurfacing burns away the damaged skin layers, so it does create a slight wound. The area that is treated will be covered with a dressing immediately after the procedure. This will be removed within three days of the procedure in most cases. After this, patients will cleanse the area several times a day with a saline solution, and then cover it with an ointment as prescribed by the doctor. This prevents any unsightly scabs from forming. After 21 days at most, the area should be healed.

Once the wound has healed, most patients notice a slight pink color to the skin. This is temporary, but it can last as long as six months, so most patients choose to wear a concealing makeup over the area. As long as the wound is healed this is fine.

As with all medical and cosmetic procedures, there is a chance of complications with laser skin resurfacing. Some patients will experience milia, which looks like small white bumps on the healing area. These can be gently removed with a damp towel.

Sometimes patients will have increased or decreased pigmentation in the area treated. This can be bleached or covered with makeup. If you have laser skin resurfacing near your mouth and have ever had a cold sore, it may come back. Anti viral medications can prevent this, but talk to your doctor first.

Some patients will have a bacterial infection as a result of the procedure. Some doctors will recommend a preventative antibiotic before and after treatment. This is particularly important for patients who have lowered immunities.

The treated area will swell after the procedure. If you sleep on an extra pillow, this can reduce the swelling. Ice can also be used to treat swelling. Scarring is possible, but not very common. Finding a skilled, highly qualified physician to perform the treatment will lessen the risk of scarring and other permanent side effects from the treatment.


If Cash Is King, Money Is God

If Cash Is King, Money Is God

Connie H. Deutsch

"Cash is king," said my accountant.

"Cash is king," my banker nodded vigorously.

"Cash is king," agreed my attorney.

"Cash is king," chorused my friends and clients.

So, when did cash gain a status that is higher in rank than king? When did money become God?

When it comes to money, people tend to do strange things. It can be the ultimate test of one's integrity or the definitive measure of one's greed. And the interesting thing is that those who are at the low end of the scale seldom see themselves as lacking in character.

Many years ago, as part of the counseling I was doing for a group of people who were friends, I tried an experiment. I told them to play a game of Monopoly and to monitor each other's behavior. Then, they had to write down their findings and we would do some directed therapy during the next session.

There was a nice range of behavior patterns in this group. One man was very ruthless in business, another was codependent; one woman was a people-pleaser and a chameleon, and the other woman was a control freak.

Their notes on each other were very enlightening. The game mimicked real life. Once they got engrossed in the buying and selling of properties, they reverted to type. The ruthless man didn't care how he accomplished it but he went about methodically accumulating the best properties. The codependent man kept making excuses for him and letting him have the prime properties. The people-pleasing woman kept reminding everyone that this was just a game and not to take it so seriously and to please stop arguing, and the control freak wanted to be banker and to monitor everyone's holdings.

The outcomes of games are easily forgotten but real life situations are not. When someone cheats you out of money that is rightfully yours, most likely a kernel of anger and resentment takes root. But when this is a case of someone squeezing you dry, you either have to sink to their level or make a conscious decision to rise above it and walk away from the situation.

No one likes to be the victim of someone's greed and yet we see this in action everywhere we look. It starts at an early age: you can see children in the sandbox grabbing someone else's toys and the only thing that changes as they get older is that the toys become more expensive.


When people are starving and they steal a loaf of bread to feed their family, that is understandable. But when they steal to see what they can get away with, that is something altogether different. An individual might be able to get away with stealing small sums but when it happens at the corporate level and pension funds are wiped out, all hell breaks loose and people are shocked at the magnitude of the theft. But why should they be shocked when society has been turning a blind eye to crimes of a lesser nature?

You can always convince yourself that your need is greater than someone else's and therefore, you must take what isn't yours just to keep financially afloat. Although greed has continually been part of our culture it's still difficult to watch someone deliberately strip a person of his assets just because he wants what the other person has.

In most societies, money, or at least some form of currency with which to buy or barter goods or services, has been of the utmost importance. Whether the exchange rate is the number of camels or dollars used to finesse a deal, this has invariably been a symbol of a person's worth, a measure of his status. And greed has consistently entered into the equation.

During the best of times and the worst of times, the rallying cry of the rich and poor has been "cash is king." Now, however, with this downturn economy bringing out the worst in people, cash is no longer king. Money is now God.


Online Bollywood Indian Style Dresses

The best way to learn about Indian fashion is by watching the celebrities on the television in bollywood Indian style dresses. They are one of those set of people who are always high on trends. And since our Bollywood stars are constantly in the limelight, they indeed have to look stylish through all hours. 

Moreover these celebs have the responsibility of representing the country at large, they ought to look stunning all this while. This is the reason why our fashion designers constantly strive to make our celebs look like true Bollywood stars. 

Additionally, these bollywood Indian fashion designers put in their hard work and creativity while designing the Indian dresses for them. And this bollywood Indian style is well appreciated by the masses not only in India but also across the globe.

A few of our Bollywood stars have left an impeccable mark on the masses in terms of their Indian Style. To begin with Kareena Kapoor's sexy saree, which she had worn in Chameli, received her accolades from the people. Ladies planned their private parties with dress code: chameli sarees.

This was not first time that bollywood clothes created hysteria. Aishwarya Rai's Sarees in Devdas, Sushmita Sen's stunning look in the movie Main Hoon Na, Madhuri Dixit created a mind-blowing impact with her Indian outfits in Hum Apke Hain Kaun. 

To cut the long story short, these were just a few instances wherein our bollywood stars created a terrific mark on the classes and the masses. Talking about Bollywood Indian style dresses, we cannot forget the pleasing looks of our stars at the time of the award functions. Our bollywood heroines carry Indian dresses in all shades like shimmery orange, blue, hot pinks with utter grace. This earns them insane amount of compliments. 

But the best part is that now even people like us can avail the benefits of wearing such well-designed outfits by using the option of online shopping. Due to increasing demand of these classy bollywood Indian style dresses not only in India but worldwide more and more websites are coming up and trying to offer variety of bollywood Indian style dresses. is among few of Indian websites offering wide variety of bollywood style Indian saree, salwar kameez and lehnga cholis for the people miles away from India but are interested in bollywood Indian styles.


Global warming: How poverty supports the most dangerous kind of emissions

The role of poverty in many aspects of life is a well-documented chronicle which stares the world in the face. Poverty has immense contribution to gender imbalance, abuse of rights, inability to access good food, water, healthcare amongst others.

This time, poverty has revealed that its tentacles are also in control of the transport and power systems in some of the third world countries especially experimenting ones of Africa. Nigeria is one or perhaps the only country in Africa housing over 15 million of various versions of 2-stroke engines. The Green Society of Nigeria has said that these messy and easily worn out engines are on every second of the day emitting partially combusted but very dangerous fuel gases to the ecosystem. The global fight against depletion of the ozone layer aimed at protecting the biodiversity would not be complete if this menace described as ‘Asian Dilemma' by Anumita Roychowdhury, associate director of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in India is not addressed with immediate alacrity in all third world nations of Africa including Nigeria where these two and three wheeled engines predominate currently.

Illustrating this challenge in Nigeria, there are three types of 2-stroke engines that dominate the system. The two-wheeled bikes are called ‘Okada' while the three-wheeled ones are named ‘keke or Napep'. Yet there is another that has claimed so many lives in Nigeria called ‘I pass my neighbour' meaning that I am better than my neighbour. This last one actually is a power generator. Nigeria has a totally collapsed power sector and cost of running bigger generators is not friendly to over 100 million pockets in Nigeria due to the fact that many are still living below the poverty line.  The introduction of ‘I pass my neighbour' was more or less like saying that a messiah has come. Most of them that mainly come from China cost as little as $55-$60 per unit. This pocket-friendliness made the acquisition of ‘I pass my neighbour' a-must-have for every home in Nigeria irrespective of how poor the family is since the national power system is more or less moribund. This also goes to the nation's transportation system. This system can better be said to be in shambles as almost all transportation activities in the country are done on the roads rendering severe pressures on the roads. But ‘Okada' is a wonderful choice for fast and flexible movements within the city of Lagos and others that are traffic-jam ridden. The three-wheeler has adequately replaced car taxis and so families, friends and associates these days fancy it to cruise in ‘keke or napep' with dangerous gases emitted behind them as they cruise.  People choose these engines to get around and power their houses because they are cheap, powerful and easy to fix. But in the reverse, the environment and human health are compromised. And as cities balloon and populations grow, the number of journeys and two-stroke engines are bound to grow with it if uncontrolled.

Setting up the Euro 111 by the European Union is good but reasonably not enough to halt the trend if the 3rd world governments of these nations are not made to understand the enormity of problems the use of these engines could impact on the entire earth. There is need for cross-fertilization of ideas and a strong push for the right practices to be observed in these nations.

Just as was the case in the entire Asia and India-a co-inventor of these engines before 2004, about 75-80% of the traffic constitutes these machines, so is the case in Nigeria today. Due to poverty and inability for most people into the transportation sector to acquire 4 stroke engines for their businesses they go for these pocket friendly 2-strokes which must run by mixing petrol with engine oil. Experts have said that because 2-stroke engines burn petrol-oil mixture, they emit more smoke, more carbon monoxide, more hydrocarbons and more particulate matter than the engines that run on petrol alone. In effect, 2-stroke engines are highly wasteful in the use of fuel. Experts confirmed that up to 40% of the petrol and oil go out of the exhaust pipe not combusted leading to release of more dangerous carbons, nitrogen gas, sulphur, hydrocarbons as well as fine dust- all being much more toxic than the ones emitted by any 4-stroke engine. All these toxic compounds contribute immensely to urban air pollution.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stressed that these classes of pollution are responsible for air pollution leading to the deaths of more than half a million people a year. About two-thirds of the residents of Delhi and Calcutta suffered from respiratory symptoms such as common cold and dry and wet cough before the government put pressure to end usage of such vehicles. WHO has also classified that urban pollution ranks 13th greatest contributor to disease burden and death worldwide. On the other hand, Mrs Tokunbo Jakande, executive director, Green Society of Nigeria said that research shows that these classes of emissions contribute immensely to the depletion of the ozone layer faster than would emissions from a 4-stroke engine. 

Before the tricycles known as keke or napep in Nigeria are banned in Thailand, it was estimated that one keke is equivalent to 50 cars in terms of gaseous emissions and contributed 47% of pollution particulates in the air.  Today the nation has curtailed on the use of these vehicle. Philippines did same and India has also gone ahead to almost reduce to zero the use of these vehicular mess even though it is still a manufacturer of 2-stroke engine. The proliferation of these engines in Africa's third world countries should be worrisome. Yes, many local respiratory related deaths are either not investigated or believed to be effects of tobacco smoking; it is becoming evident that most cases linked to tobacco smoking in these countries are actually caused by 2-stroke engine emissions in the air.

There is urgent need to cut down on the usage of these engines but again, for this to be effective, the government must provide an alternative. The snag would be if the affected governments would have enough political-will to tackle this menace which has direct local and global implications on the environment and human. When Bangkok toughened up vehicle inspections and emissions standards in 2000, 2-wheelers were over 96% of the city's traffic. However, March 2004, released the result that only 40% was in use with 50% out of the streets, according to Supat Wangwongwatana, deputy director general of Thailand's Pollution Control Department. Africa nations would need to also adopt what Philippines did by offering interest free loan for operators of 2-stroke engines to upgrade to 4-stroke. This approach would appear most workable option as it is not easy to fix overnight their power and transportation systems. When 2-stroke baby taxis were phased out of Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2002, particulate concentrations dropped up to 40%, with carbon monoxide as well as hydrocarbons fell significantly, S.M.A. Bari, director of engineering at the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority said.  

Let the whole world rise against the 2-stroke engines!


Winter Skin Care with Fruits for Dry and Chapped Skin

In winter your skin needs special care. Instead of getting a much deserved rest and rejuvenation, winter works our skin overtime as it prepares for the demanding task of defending itself against the woes of winter weather. The chilling cold in the air from the sudden change of seasons can leave your skin chapped and devastatingly dry.

In winter your skin needs special care. Instead of getting a much deserved rest and rejuvenation, winter works our skin overtime as it prepares for the demanding task of defending itself against the woes of winter weather. The chilling cold in the air from the sudden change of seasons can leave your skin chapped and devastatingly dry. Help your skin to regain its energy and strength in winter by taking an antioxidant supplement. Most important antioxidants for the skin are Vitamin C, B, E, Zinc and Magnesium.

Winter is the most problematic season for our skin. Skin becomes rough, irritated and lifeless in this season. Soft, smooth and glowing skin needs lots of moisturizer. But only moisturizer is not enough. Fruits are the key ingredient of healthy looking skin. Fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals that are good for our healthy skin. There are some winter skin care tips with fruits which are as follows:-

1. Orange juice helps to make instant glow of our skin. Apply the juice in cotton on your face, neck and hand. Leave it for ten minutes and wash it off with plain water.

2. Mix one tablespoon of fresh apple juice with one fourth teaspoon of lime juice. It can be a good refreshing tonic for the skin. You can use it as an effective skin cleanser.

3. Mix one medium very ripe tomato with one cup of un-boiled milk. Apply it on your face and neck. Leave it for fifteen minutes and wash it off. It's also a good cleanser.

4. Make a paste of papaya, strawberry, melon and banana and rub it on your face. Leave it for ten minutes for the best result. Rinse it and see the difference.

5. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey and a half cup of water. Massage into your skin after bathing. It's a great natural moisturizer.

6. Grapes are great for the skin. Apply grape juice in cotton on your face to remove dark spots.

7. Amla is a great source of vitamin C. It helps to nourish our skin. So, take amla daily basis to replenish skin and also drink at least eight glasses of water every day to overcome the water loss from the skin in this season.

8. Watermelon helps smooth your skin and that is why, the fruit finds its use even during winter. Skin blemishes are effectively reduced by Watermelons. The fruit is rich in Vitamin A, B and C, which keeps the skin fresh, hydrated and radiant.
Moisturizing your skin is an important role in natural skin care in winter. It would be best to apply a natural body lotion. Apply the body lotion on your body and hand immediately after bath. Moisturize your body, hands and face regularly. Chapped lips will do well with petroleum jelly or you can apply Boroplus Antiseptic Cream every night before going to bed.

The most helpful food in improving the moisture of the skin on winter is vegetables that are green and leafy. You must also consider drinking fruit juices daily a habit since it helps in making your skin soft. Don't forget Avoid drinking beverages that has strong caffeine ingredient on it such as coffees and sodas.

Author: Monrow Dido Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Curing Grey Hair Naturally!

When you think of grey hair,you think  that only people who are over 50 year old  can have grey hair.But this is not true.Grey hair can be seen in people in their 20s,30s,even in their late teens.  Causes of Grey Hair Or Premature Grey Hair:

1.Growing old. As a person ages, the cells in the hair root reduces the production of melanin and the hair slowly turns grey.

2.Heredity.Genes play a large role in graying.

3.Stress.Being constantly under stress can make your hair turn grey.

4.Smoking.Smoking is linked to premature graying.A 1996 British Medical Journal study conducted by J.G. Mosley, MD found that tobacco smoking may cause premature graying. Smokers were found to be four times more likely to begin graying prematurely, compared to nonsmokers in the study.

5.Lack of Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA).

PABA is typically known as the hair color vitamin.PABA is required for the synthesis of folic acid within the body and contributes to the proper metabolism of protein. It has the ability to block against the UV rays of the sun and is commonly used in sunscreen preparations.The usual dose of PABA is between 25 and 300 mg for adults.
A deficiency in PABA may lead to grey hair. Research has shown its effects on animal hair cells. It is seen that when animal cells have been reintroduced to the vitamin, normal coloration is restored.

Like wise,studies conducted on humans found that when every meal was supplemented with 200 mg of the vitamin PABA, seventy percent of the grays returned to their original color.Another study found that PABA, combined with Folic Acid, successfully reversed gray hair as well.Good sources of PABA include:Sources: Brewer's yeast, molasses, liver, kidney, whole grains.

6.Lack of Omega-3 fatty acids such as cod liver oil,salmon..etc in one's diet.

7.Excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and fried foods.

8.Unclean condition of one's scalp.

9.Deficiency of B vitamins such as Biotin, Folic Acid, B12 and Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5).

10.Lack of copper in the body.premature graying is a sign of a copper deficiency.

11.Thyroid Imbalance.

12.Werner syndrome and pernicious anemia can also cause premature graying.Werner Syndrome is a very rare disorder characterized by premature or  accelerated aging.Recommended Treatment of Grey Hair Or Premature Grey Hair:

To prevent and reverse premature and excessive greying of hair,do the following:

1.Ensure that you diet includes foods rich in Protein,vitamins,and minerals.

2.Massage your scalp with Omega 3 rich shampoos or oils such as  Emu oil.These oils actually treat the hair follicle and rejuvenate the pigment generating cells called Melanocytes.

3.Reduce stress .

4.IncludeYogurt,Honey,vinegar,Blackstrap Molasses,Apple Cider, Black Walnuts,Sesame Seeds,Pumpkin seeds,Flax seed,and bean sprouts in your diet.

5.Take anti-gray hair tablets and creams such as Melancor,Reminex, Fo-Ti Root,Shen Min,and Restoria Discreet.

6.Quit smoking for good.

7.Take Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) tablet or include food such as( Brewer's yeast, molasses, liver, kidney, whole grains) in your diet.

8.Reduce intake or better yet avoid caffeine, salt,refined sugars.spicy and fried foods.

9.Eat adequate zinc rich foods.ZINC helps prevent hair loss and greying.

10.Take vitamin C.Vitamin C ensures the health of capillaries supplying blood to hair follicles.

11.Get enough sleep everyday.


13.Take a copper supplement.Colloidal Copper is recommended.

14.Take Tyrosine Supplement.Tyrosine is fundamentally required for melanin formation. A product known as Gleevec, which reversed gray hair in some people who used it, is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor.

15.Take Antioxidants.Antioxidants help destroy free radicals in the body which cause Oxidative stress that damage cells including hair cells.

16.Take Biotin.Biotin delays the onset of gray hair and may retard the further progression of gray hair.

17.Take Folic acid.Folic acid helps to prevent gray hair.

18.Take Vitamin B12 and Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5).

19.Try Eugenol Oil.Eugenol is the technical name for clove oil.When applied topically to the scalp has been demonstrated to restore hair color.

20.Try Ligustrum.Ligustrum is used in China to prevent gray hair.

21.Try Ashwagandha.Ashwagandha is also referred to as "Indian Ginseng'".Ashwagandha helps prevent and treat gray hair by increasing the melanin content of the hair.

22.Try Indian Amla Oil.Amla is one of the richest sources of natural Vitamin C.

23.Try Maka (Eclipta Alba).Maka helps prevent falling hair, stops premature greying and treat insomnia.

24.Try Motia Rosha Oil.Motia Rosha helps stimulates pigment cells of hair.It helps hair growth, treats and prevents grey hair, dandruff, split ends and imparts healthy glow to hair.

25.Try Eclipta alba (Bhringraj).The fresh juice of Eclipta alba (Bhringraj) blackens the hair,and it is the best natural hair dye. 

26.Wash your hair with with cool or lukewarm water when bathing.Avoid hot water.Washing your hair with very hot water or using hair-dryers excessively weaken roots, and may lead to premature greying.

27.Try Rosemary oil.Rosemary oil is believed to gradually darken grey hair over a period of time.

28.Try to massage your scalp with Almond Oil,and Coconut oil.Allow enough time for oil to be absorbed. Most oils are not easily absorbed by the hair, which is why you need to leave oil on for at least 30 or forty-five minutes.Keep in mind that you won't see drastic overnight results Following these recommendations; any results will be seen gradually over the course of a few months. And it should also be mentioned here that if you stop following these recommendations, you will lose any benefit you gained and the grey will return.


The Best Most Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe in the World!

My mother has been making this cake for years, and it is hands down the most delicious moist chocolaty-cake you'll ever have. She says the secret ingredients are the pudding mix and the sour cream - so don't scrimp on those! Enjoy!

1 (18 1/2 ounce) box Duncan Hines moist deluxe devil's food cake mix

3 1/2 oz instant chocolate pudding mix
1/2 cup chocolate chips

4 eggs

3/4 cup vegetable oil

1 1/2 cups sour cream

3/4 cup Kahlua

4 tablespoons powdered sugar

3/4 cup chopped walnuts, divided

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease or Butter Bundt Pan

Mix all ingredients well in a large bowl.

Pour into a greased, 12-cup bundt pan Add 12 walnuts to top of cake and bake until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out with crumbs clinging to it - about 45 minutes.

Cool in pan and serve on a platter with powdered sugar lightly sifted over the top. YUMMY!


The Big 4 Accounting Firms - How to Get That Perfect Job With One of the Big Ones

Industry professionals, recruiters and college professors are unanimous in their belief in one thing: there is no better way to start a career in accounting than experience with a Big 4 public accounting firm. If you are reading this you no doubt are well aware of who these guys are:

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte and Touché, KPMG and Ernst & Young.

While each of these companies has various strengths and weaknesses, they are all alike in the fact that they provide the recent accounting grad with a world class experience. First year associates at these firms are given a level of responsibility that is truly remarkable. When I was a first year I remember thinking on an almost daily basis "I can't believe they're letting me do this." As I strolled into the CEO's office of the firm we were auditing, as I tallied up a multi-million dollar mistake I'd found in another company's books and as I traveled the country with my very own American Express Corporate Card, I kept repeating this thought:

"I can't believe they're letting me do this"

Truly the world of accounting is at your fingertips when you are employed with one of the Big 4. There is an air of respect in those names: PwC, E&Y, KPMG and D&T. There is camaraderie and there is pride. These are the truly elite in the accounting field, and the top of the business world.

Starting your professional career at one of these companies is a ticket to a career in the fast lane. The experience you receive at a Big 4 is, literally, priceless. Many beginners at these firms admit that they would be willing to work for nothing: the experience is that valuable. Land a job and you will guarantee yourself the following:

- For the rest of your career your resume will automatically move to the top of the pile
- For the rest of your career you will have access to a network of professionals that is staggering in its depth
- You will earn an industry busting salary, putting your friends at regional and local firms to shame
- Your resume will contain experience that is recognized and respected globally
- An opportunity to travel the world

At a speaking engagement in 2004, Martin J. Whitman, billionaire and namesake of the Syracuse University Whitman School of Management, was asked the single best piece of advice he could offer college graduates. His reply? "Begin your career with a Big 4 Public Accounting Firm. Period."

Of course.

Think this all sounds good? Of course you do. You're probably thinking to yourself - there must be a catch? Unfortunately, there is. The benefits of working for a Big 4 are widely known and the demand for these positions is higher than ever. These positions are EXTREMELY competitive and often IMPOSSIBLE to obtain without an edge. A great GPA and resume are no longer enough.

If you are serious about your career and want to maximize your earnings potential, you need an edge. How do you land an interview with a Big 4 when there are thousands of others just like you? Once you get the interview, how will you be prepared for the barrage of questioning you will face?

When I graduated from college I had one interview and one interview only: I landed a job with PricewaterhouseCoopers on the first shot. How did I do it? Good grades? Charming personality? Incredible experience? No! I had an insider at PwC who knew the ropes and coached me through the process, from the application to the signing bonus! When I learned these secrets I just watched as my peers struggled and I jumped easily through all the hoops. Unfair? Sure, but life in a world class industry is not fair. While working at PwC I also experienced the recruiting process from the side of the recruiter.


Graduation Announcements Wording Ideas, Verses and Sayings

Graduation ceremonies are not just any ordinary celebrations. For every class of students, schools conduct a formal graduation ceremony but for the student, this graduation comes but once. The same graduation will not come again, so cherish it when you graduate. Make sure you tuck away those memories safe so that someday, you will recall the momentous occasion with pride and nostalgia. Anticipating your graduation ceremony eagerly, aren't you? Waiting to don those graduation robes and toss your hats off for the perfect picture? You must know that graduation just puts you across the threshold into a whole new world, one that you have been reading about but haven't yet discovered.

Well, the nostalgia and the decisions and the questions will follow, but right now, all you have to do is soak up the moments as they come. There are online sites that help you plan for your graduation ceremony. This means inviting your loved ones to the graduation ceremony or for the graduation party and then sending graduation thank cards to all those who came and shared the merry moments with you. There is lots of help in taking away your worries regarding graduation announcements. Not only with the graduation announcements cards but also with a gigantic collection of creative Graduation Wording Ideas, Wording Verses & Saying.

Finding the proper wordings, verses or sayings for graduation cards can be a very challenging task. One wants to convey the thoughts and emotions of the day in just the right way with the right tone and the proper message. The first thing to consider is what type of graduation card it is. College graduation invitations wording ideas will be different from high school graduation announcements sayings and HomeSchool graduation invitations wording ideas. And all of these will be worlds apart from high school graduation wording announcements verses, HomeSchool graduation invitations sayings, junior high school, 8th grade and middle school graduation announcements wording ideas and especially from kindergarten graduation wording verses. The same is true for graduations that lead to an occupation such as nursing graduation announcements wording verses, law school graduation invitations wording ideas, and medical school graduation announcements sayings.

For college graduation announcements wording ideas and high school graduation invitations wording verses, most people tend to stay fairly formal. Something such as, "We are proud to announce; that on the thirtieth of May, year two thousand and eight; our daughter Nancy Smith; graduated from Harvard University," is very proper and formal nursing graduation invitations sayings. However, just because it is popular to stay formal doesn't mean that one necessarily have to. Having the wording college graduation announcements sayings and high school graduation invitations wording verses say something fun like, "May 30th is her big day!; Come help her celebrate and send her on her way!" can be very fun and playful college graduation announcements wording ideas or kindergarten graduation invitations wording verses. This will convey that the graduate is moving on to the "real world" but will keep the tone of the graduation card very light.

And of course, high school graduation announcements wording ideas will be slightly different since the graduate is going to also be facing something new in their lives but at the same time, something completely different from college or university grads. High school graduation invitations wording verses may be something such as, "She's about to leave for another school; She's all ready, she's got all her tools; Commencement is done; Now let's have some fun!" This is great to use in a graduation party invitations wording ideas and graduation open house invitations wording verses. When looking for high school graduation wording ideas for an announcement, one may choose to say, "Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School is proud to announce that John Smith graduated from the senior class with top honors on May 30, 2008."

Whatever tone is chosen for college graduation invitations wording verses, wording high school graduation announcements, sayings for homeschool graduation cards or any other kind of graduation, it is important to make sure that the feelings expressed through the wording are personal and reflect the personality of the graduate. Including one of the graduate's favorite quotes, poems, or verses are terrific to use for any nurse graduation cards sayings, or high school graduation cards wording ideas. In fact, simply asking the graduate if there is any particular quote, poem, or verse that they would like to see included can be the best way to compile graduation party invitations wording ideas, graduation party thank you card wording ideas, and wording for other graduation cards.


Resume Skills | Hobbies & Interests

Be honest. How many of you have one of the following in there?




Internet Browsing

If you do, you are only one of the 96% candidates out there.

Hobbies and Interests are something to talk about. It's a window into your personality, that is beyond the standard work stuff. These are things you are supposed to be passionate about. You should be using this extensively to not just market yourself, but also to steer the direction the interview takes.

I will talk about how to manage the interview flow, but some other day. Today about your hobbies & interests.

Here are the rules:

Make them true. Have something you are passionate about. Something no one needs you to work upon, or do. Something that excites you, something that makes your eyes sparkle when you talk about it.

Make them Unique. As far as possible mention your hobby in a way that sounds unique. Use this as a lever for the interviewer to remember you. Don't say reading, when you can say ‘classics' or ‘Indian art history' or something more specific. If it is music talk about genre, artist or just decade!

Make them demonstrable. You may like to think, but really that is not a hobby. If you put something like singing, be ready to sing in the interview. If you put something like dramatics, be ready to emote. Put something that can give the interviewers a little break from the monotony of taking interviews. If you say coin collection, carry a unique coin with you!

Make them relatable. Be honest at all times, but if you have more than one hobby, choose the one that the interviewers may be able to relate to. Yes, you read that right. This like all other parts of your resume needs to be customized according to the people you are sending it out to.

Get a life! If you don't have a hobby or interest, get one! It's not just something to talk about in a an interview, it is something to treasure and add value to yourself as an individual.


Casual and simple looks style for teenagers

Casual dressing is a genuine requirement especially in spring and summer season where you have to wear casual jeans, uppers, sunglasses, may be scarfs makeup kit e.t.c. So if you are a Teen Girl or a teenager and looking for cool and cute casual outfit ideas then check below casual clothing and dressing ideas....

Clickbank Scam Alert - Must Read

Clickbank is a well-known, well run company that allows anyone to sell digital products online. All the products sold on Clickbank must provide instant access to purchases, so people can get their purchase within seconds of making the purchase. Their business model has allowed some well known personalities to become wealthy online, simply by selling a product on Clickbank.

But did you know that Clickbank is home to one of the biggest running scams of all time? The biggest scam on Clickbank works using a bait and switch method.

Here's how it works: Someone comes up with a way to make money online, but for one reason or another, they don't keep it to themselves and continue making money. What they do instead is create an information product that describes (hopefully) the method they used to make money online, and they list their product online using Clickbank, where thousands of affiliates can promote it for them.

Then thousands of people buy the money making guide, try the method, and get some limited success. Usually, they don't make the money they had hoped for, and may wonder if they did something wrong.

Sound familiar? What went wrong? Was the money making guide all a scam? In reality, it's a two-fold problem. First, the money making method probably wasn't really designed to make millions of dollars , but most likely does have some sort of ability to make some money.

Second, no method of making money continues to work the same way once a million people know about it - the results get diluted.

So, the ideas are not infinitly scalable, and the market for the money making scheme has a limit - a ceiling on the profits that can be made. When too many people are doing the same thing, this upper limit is reached quicker.

So, why did this person who found a way to make money online decide to release his secrets, rather than just make money?

It's because he could make a ton more money selling an information product, with a lot less work, than with any other type of make money systems.

You see, the guy that releases a make money product on Clickbank is following the only reliable, proven money making system that is used by every online millionaire.

If you wanted to make money, wouldn't you want to do what every online millionaire does? Did you know that there are sites that will show you the easy way to follow this proven system, even if you have no technical skills, and even if you have little money to get started? Look around, and you too can get started making consistent money online


Natural Tips for Fair Complexion

Few very good masks to lighten the skin tone and add a glow to the complexion. continue to care your skin is always important to maintain your skin and look fresh all the time.

Mix 1 table spoon of milk powder, 1 table spoon of honey, 1 table spoon of lemon juice, and ½ table spoon of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan.

You can do a fairness massage easily at the privacy of your home. Soak four almonds overnight. In the morning remove their skin and grind them fine. Make a paste by adding one teaspoon of gram flour, one teaspoon of milk and four drops of limejuice. A regular massage with this paste will assure a long lasting fairness to you.

For 15 days, apply a paste of gram flour (besan), milk (2 teaspoon) and lime juice(3-4 drops) on face and neck for 15 minutes and wash with water. You complexion should improve. Repeat every 2 weeks.

This is best home remedy for dark skin. Sandalwood is one of the most expensive, most exotic, and most aromatic plants known to humans. Sandalwood has a use in treating most skin problems. It is a cooling agent, stimulant, and blood purifier. It protects skin from the sun's rays, acts an anti-aging agent, and keeps skin smooth and aromatic. Sandalwood is extremely effective on pimples, prickly heat, skin erruptions, itching, rashes, spots, freckles, and swellings.

Mix oatmeal with yogurt and tomato juice and apply on the face. Wash it with cold water after 15 minutes.

Apply a mixture of 3-4 drops of lime juice and a grated tomato on face and neck for 15 minutes for 15 days. Wash with cold water.
Mix almond, neem leaf , turmeric, sandlewood and poppy seeds.
Blend this mixture into a fine paste using milk . Apply this paste on face and allow it to dry. remove the dried mask by massaging your face in circular motion and wash your face using luke warm water.
Wheat germ scrub:

1 tablespoon oatmeal powder
1 tablespoon wheat germ (powder)
1 tablespoon skimmed milk powder
1 teaspoon sandal wood powder.

This is a popular herb for dark skin. Rose oil is a cooling agent and is excellent for tired skin. It is a good source of vitamins C and E. Rose oil has a very pleasant fragrance to it. It removes dead cells from the skin, and provides relief from burns. It slows the aging process and balances the skin's chemistry. Rose oil is used for cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and nourishing of the skin.
Mash the cucmber with the skin still on to get the juice. You may then need to squeeze the juice out with your hands. You can use lime juice with haldi and besan, and scrub your face with this to try and remove the tan. However. simply applying lime juice and cucumber will help lighten skin over time.

Fair look, dry skin:
Apply a mixture of equal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.

Fair look, oily skin:
Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.


How to Steal a Car in Seconds

Thieves are becoming quicker, savvier, and more advanced. Vehicles, which are equipped with computer-based security system, keyless entry and ignition systems, can now be stolen in just a few seconds.

How do you steal a car in 15 seconds? Some thieves force the window of the car to have a good opening. The car door is later unlocked and locked. They then pop the hood, disconnect the battery and look for the ignition cable. If still, the method does not work, thieves have ample time to manipulate car alarm. The next thing the car owner knows is that his fancy car is nowhere to be found.

This manner of stealing a car is prevalent in Europe. Thieves further employ decrypting the 40-bit code sequence to unlock the car's door, disengage security system and - transfer ownership. This is for the reason that the owner of the code becomes the owner of the car.

How do you steal a car in less than 15 seconds? To steal a keyless car, all it takes is the know-how on Basic Encryption 101. In the Johns Hopkins/RSA study, the authors simulated the car's ignition system using a laptop. They made several scans in less than 1 second without the victim knowing. They use the laptop to try various combinations until the right combinations were yielded. Finally, they gained entrance to the car and started it.

Advanced Anti-theft system is a necessity. Nonetheless, they have to really serve their purpose. These days, OEM and aftermarket immobilizers are now integrated in Chrysler, Hyundai, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Ford accessories. Other cars with this safety feature are Dodge Neon, Lincoln Continental and Town Car, Plymouth Breeze, Toyota Landcruiser and 4Runner, Ford Windstar, Crown Victoria, and Contour, and the Mercury Marquis. Jeep Cherokee accessories and Nissan Pathfinder accessories also integrate sophisticated immobilizer systems.

The immobilizer contains a transponder. The latter also contains unalterable identification code. It works by employing radio frequency and signal powers.

As technology develops, thieves as well, become more and more advanced. Moreover, car owners clamor for cutting-edge ignition keys that no one or nothing can copy.


The Top Ten Most Difficult Truth or Dare Questions

One of the most common party games is "Truth or Dare." The player has to choose between telling the truth, or completing a dare, and they receive points for one or the other. While there are thousands of truth or dare questions that you can ask players, in this article I will outline the top ten most difficult truth or dare questions, and what they can potentially reveal about the person.

Proceed With Caution

The following truth or dare questions can reveal more about your friends or colleagues than you ever wanted to know. Also, try to be cautious about who is present at the party. If a friend of someone's current boyfriend is at a party, keep this in mind when you are asking the girlfriend particular "truth" questions. Inevitably, her answers will get back to her boyfriend, and if it's something that she didn't want him knowing, it could have a disastrous affect on the relationship.

Question 1: Describe your First Intimate Experience

While this may often result in a fairly tame response, such as the typical intimate experimentation of school kids or younger kids, some people have somewhat traumatic experiences from their childhood. So exercise caution when asking this truth or dare question, because you may get far more than you bargained for.

Question 2: What is the most annoying habit that your girlfriend/boyfriend has?

This question is great to ask the person who is constantly bragging about their boyfriend or girlfriend. It will force them to admit something about them that isn't "perfect." Be careful though, the answer to this question can sometimes be fairly disgusting!

Question 3: How well "endowed" is your boyfriend or girlfriend?

This question is much more fun for a party of girlfriends, because with guys it is not quite as obvious which boyfriend is "well-endowed," and which isn't. On the other hand, guys will always know which girlfriend is better endowed than others. When girls get together and one of them is asked this very sensitive question, the answer you receive can sometimes be quite surprising!

Question 4: Have you ever not made it to the bathroom in time and had an "accident?"

This question will be very hard for someone to admit if they are a "prude" or very self-conscious. However other people have absolutely no problem answering this question, and will sometimes give you far more information than you bargained for.

Question 5: Have you ever been extremely "intimate" with someone in a public place?

The most common answers to this question, if the person is truthful, can range from in an airplane, an elevator, in a crowded theater, or in the same house (or sometimes the same room!) where parents or siblings are unaware.

Question 6: What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

While this is often a fairly tame answer, sometimes people can really get themselves into trouble. If the answer is embarrassing enough, and someone in the room is unscrupulous enough, the answer can be potential ammunition for blackmail. Use this question with caution, and answer it with even greater caution!

Question 7: Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?

This is a very common truth or dare question, with very common consequences. If the boyfriend or girlfriend is a current one, they **inevitably** discover how this question was answered, and the relationship is destroyed. Avoid this question at all costs, and if you are asked it, and can't answer with a "no" - chose a dare instead. The embarrassment of the dare will be far less than the damage from sharing such information with friends.

Question 8: If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

While this question isn't dangerous at all, the answers to it can sometimes be very entertaining and unexpected.

Question 9: What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

Almost everyone has a strange dream, and often it's a recurring one. Hearing someone else's dream is sometimes very surreal, and often it can tell a great deal about the person's deepest fears.

Question 10: If you could make anyone in the room your servant for the day, who would it be and what would you make them do?

The answer to this question runs the gamut from lame, to extremely provocative and sometimes very disturbing! If you are brave enough to ask this question, be prepared for anything.


Effects of Mass Media on Young Generation

How do the media influence young people in today's society? Our society still seems confused about what to think about children and young people. It seems to be gripped with a fear of children, blaming them for much of society's ills: crime, vandalism, drugs, drink, sex, teenage pregnancy. The list goes on. But if these theories are true, where do these rebellious attitudes stem from? The obvious answer would be from the upbringing of children, but in my opinion the media also plays a substantial role in the attitudes, behavior and physical aspects of youth today, in particularly that of young women. We are constantly being bombarded with advertising, opinions, images and stories which appear to be forcing us to conform to a specific image of how we are supposed to be, whether it be slim, more intelligent or prettier.

Media strongly affects youth culture. The media executives are quick to defend their role in youth violence and bullying while selling millions of dollars in ads focused on youth. TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in the media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth. Meanwhile they continue to spend millions on special effects and marketing geared to increase appeal to youth markets. While corporations spend millions on market research and advertising to create products and campaigns targeted at a youth demographic, they still deny their ability to influence youth. If this were true to fact, would NIKE continue spending millions every year on product development, marketing and advertising? Would McDonalds still be using cartoon like characters to sell hamburgers? Would music labels be increasing the level of violence and sexual content in the music geared towards the youth audience? Would liquor companies be using youth oriented activities in their advertising? Of course it works on influencing youth and its ideals advertising would not be a multi-billion dollar a year business. If it had no influence, M-TV would not have consultant on staff spending huge amounts of money to ensure them keeping up with youth culture.

We've all heard it before. Blame it on TV or other means of media. If a child bludgeons another child to death with a wrench or shoots a classmate, it is the violent TV programs that they watch which are to blame, not the parents or the supervisors who are supposed to be there to make sure their kids do the right thing. How far is it true that the media is responsible for trivializing death and violence, thus causing the children of America to go out on shooting rampages, or kids in Britain to murder innocent toddlers? First let us look at the way the media portrays death. Death has always been a taboo subject. People do not usually sit around talking about death, especially to children. It may be for that reason that children do not really understand the concept of dying. We constantly see instances in cartoons where a character is killed, but in the next scene, that same character is alive and well again. The fact is that they do not actually die. Characters like Warner Bros. Wild E Coyote never die.

As clichéd as it may sound, it has been rightly said all things have their good as well as bad effects. In the similar conduct media also has its good as well as bad influence on youth. Well these were the negative influence of media on youth. Now we focus on the affirmative aspects of media.

Media plays a very important role in creating awareness. There are certain issues which remain untouched among youngsters as they feel guarded concerning it. Media helps in providing information regarding such topics. There are many such topics that are highlighted by the media. The current one that can be talked about is the quota system in colleges. Media created awareness that how injustice was being done with deserving candidates due to reservations in colleges. There was procession taken out by students in order to object regarding this bias discrimination.
One other such issue is the debate carried on regarding sex education. Media was trying to highlight both the aspects of the matter that whether sex education must be allowed in schools or not. There were a group of people who were all for it and there were people who considered it a taboo. Even though we are heading towards westernization, our roots still remain Indian. And that is the reason why we fell anxious discussing such issues with young ones. But if we think practically then there are so many instances where children head the wrong way just in the anxiety of knowing certain issues. So, the only acceptable approach in which we can guard our child from choosing the wrong path is by talking to them and educating them about the issues that need to be learnt at the right instance.

Media being one of the important means to reach out to the masses and influence their thinking and decision making, only to the positive media cannot attract attention of the masses, and to gain viewer ship, negative media has to be incorporated to balance out and attract the masses, but a line has to be drawn between the positive and the negative media in the interest of the younger generation.


Earn money through online writing jobs

While many of us enjoy chatting and discussing over various social networks such as twitter and Facebook, some people work as freelancers to earn money while writing articles for online marketing requirements. It is very easy to attain simple writing jobs and you can attain many opportunities directly while searching and browsing through internet. However, it is always beneficial to join a professional website facilitating job opportunities for many freelancers. Simple writing jobs include writing marketing and advertizing articles, product reviews, informative articles and similar other jobs.

When you join a professional website offering work for freelancers, you are offered a security that you will get paid to write articles without any trouble. These websites work as helping hand making sure that you attain proper safety and easy transfer of money for all the articles written by you. In case you come across some disputes while writing articles for various clients, the professional freelancing websites offer intermediating servicers to resolve the issues without any ruckus.

In order to earn good money through online writing jobs, you will have to provide quality articles to satisfy the customers need. If you are able to convey your ideas in clear and proper manner, you have better chance to earn success as an article writer. You will have to attract readers through your writing skills. Some clients require interactive articles that may create interest in the minds of readers. Various online entrepreneurs demand marketing articles with proper search engine optimization techniques to attract higher traffic for their websites. In order to increase the visitors count, many commercial website owners require help to attain regular blog posts. Thus you can easily get paid for writing articles based on SEO and marketing skills or you may work to improve books and movies scripts.

Many housewives prefer to work directly online from their home while taking care of their kids and regular homely chores because online writing jobs are not very difficult to perform and one can easily set their working hours without any restrictions. In order to attain various writing jobs, you may opt to join websites offering jobs for freelancers as that will allow you to browse through various available jobs. This will allow you to opt to write for those subjects for which you feel easy to write.
