Monday, April 9, 2012

How Can You Manage Your Time - Online Success Tips

Your online success will depend highly on your ability to manage time. Most people starting in this business still have day jobs. Because of this, you must plan your day carefully in order to make significant progress. Assuming that you are still working, let's map your extra time.

If you sleep eight hours a night you only have sixteen left. Your job requires ten hours as you add preparation and travel time. You will then spent three hours per day with family and handling practical matters. With all of this said, most people only have three hours daily to run their online business. This is why proper time management is essential to your success. Here are a few things you can do to maximize your time.

1. Give yourself an extra hour by sleeping seven hours a night instead of eight.

Seven hours is enough sleep for most people. Waking up early will give you a competitive edge.

2. Set a specific time for leisure.

You will spent too much time at leisure if you don't schedule for it. I would recommend spending an hour at most for relaxation.

3. It is beneficial to set up a system.

The key is to do things at the same time daily. You set up a system of writing or networking every day at a certain time. Soon this will become automatic and it will be easier to work. This will allow you to do more in the same amount of time.

4. Maximize every second available.

Pay attention to the five or ten minutes in between activities. You could be waiting for a client for example. These small segments of time add up. Successful people use all of their time in a productive manner.

5. Get off your smart phone!

Your phone can be your biggest asset. However, it is also your biggest enemy. Most people are using their extra time to check Facebook, twitter, and to play games. It would be smarter to use your phone to read books, manage money, prepare business proposals and other productive things.

There is a great question to ask yourself before participating in any activity. "Am I doing something that has redeemable value?" In other words, are your actions in alignment with your goals? If not, then the action is a complete waste of time. You will be successful if you have the discipline to follow these principles.

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