Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Close Kept Secrets To Weight Loss

I am so grateful that you’re taking steps to take control of your life. You will be amazed when we work together how much you’ll uncover about yourself. You’ll understand how your thoughts have contributed to your being overweight and you will take daily steps to put together a new plan of action for yourself. I imagine that you are tired of living like this and want some new, something better for yourself. I am here to help you and I know you can do it!

As an integrative body therapist, I work with energy and thought processes. With this in mind, we’re going to begin this lesson with a discussion on energy and how you attract excess weight.

Everything is made up of energy. The couch you’re sitting on, the table, even money is made up of energy. Our bodies are nothing but pure energy. Since everything is made up of energy, these things are affected by the Natural Laws of the Universe. These Laws are designed to manifest whatever we put our thoughts on. In simple terms, whatever you put your mind on, is what you’re going to get.

We’re going to look at one of the Natural Laws—the Law of Attraction. How does this apply to being overweight? When you hold negative thoughts in your body, symptoms appear based on those thoughts. In your case, you hold excess weight. You may be experiencing other symptoms as well, but your main focus right now is your weight. You hold negative thoughts in your body and this attracts excess weight. According to Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, outlines weight issues in her book and anger is the driving force underneath the weight. It can be anything from anger at being denied love, anger at the parents or anger at one specific parent—often the father. In my case, I was angry at both parents, but more so my father.

Now, I'll be giving you homework assignments because I like this to be interactive and have you contribute as well. So here's your first homework assignment. It’s very simple. Identify who you’re angry with? You can include yourself. Once you’ve done this then describe why you’re angry with the person(s) you’ve identified and be specific.

We’ll be peeling back layers and these are simple steps to uncovering some layers. I will then address how you can release this anger so you can experience pure joy and love. In your case, especially of your body.

You are great just the way God intended you to be! You just need to peel back a few layers to reveal the wholeness that is already there. Thank you for letting me be part of your journey.

Tami Close
Weight Loss Expert

Tami Close in an Integrative Body Therapist. Certified in Rapid Eye Technology. Basic and Advanced Certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. Reiki Master. Sumasil Grant Foundation recipient for work in RET and EFT. Master Trainer

B.S. Training and Development. #1 Bestseller Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and others.

10 Hot Tips to Lose Weight Without Dieting: Try These 10 Tips and Start Losing Weight Tomorrow!

1) Eat your Starch for Dinner
Don’t restrict or cut out any foods, just juggle the time of day that you eat them. Try eating zero no starch during the day, focusing your starch meal for dinner time. So, aim to make your breakfast and lunch meal based on fruits, vegetables, salads meats, milk-products and eat pasta, bread, rice, cereals, potatoes at dinner.

2) Don’t Diet
Any diet that restricts foods or requires that you “avoid” your favorite foods will more than likely not last for the long term. What’s the point of losing weight, only to put it all back on again?

3) Eat Your Junk Once a Day – and preferably at night
If you are a junk-food addict, try to aim for eating well during the day, and saving your “bad foods” for dinner time. This way, you should eat less, than if you start eating junk first thing and then carry on throughout the day!

4) Eat Junk After Exercise
We always hear “I’ll work it off” – implying that one will exercise harder AFTER eating junk to burn up the extra calories consumed. A better option is to exercise BEFORE you intend eating junk. This way, your metabolism gets a boost to help handle the extra calories. Also, exercise helps reduce appetite (especially hard exercise), so you don’t eat as much junk.

5) Go for Chocolate instead of Cake
When feeling like junk food or “bad” food, go for non-starch options instead of starch options. So, where possible, when feeling the need for “junk” or sweet foods, go for chocolate/s, sweets, custards, ice cream, frozen yoghurts, burgers (no bun), fried chicken…instead of cakes, muffins, biscuits (cookies), breads, pastas, pizza’s etc

6) Don’t Drink calories
Consuming too many calories leads to weight gain. Period. Sugary fizzy drinks AND FRUIT JUICES contain loads of calories. Where possible, drink water, tea and coffee and try to limit higher calorie sugary fizzy drinks and fruit juices….

7) Don’t think about 3 + 2
So many diets talk about 3 meals a day, plus 2 snacks….try to eat 3 meals a day, and snack when you want to. Also, don’t snack on junk either - fruit, nuts, yoghurt are best bets. Remember that “junk” should be limited to once-per-day max.

8) Salads Make Great Lunches
Easily reduce calories and increase your nutritional intake by trying to make your lunchtime meal, a salad meal. This also makes eating out really easy (like people who eat out for their lunch-hour at work). ALL restaurants offer salads – but remember we’re not talking junk salads with loads of dressing, we’re talking healthy salads like Chicken salad, French salad with added cheese, Italian salad, Tuna Salad, Greek Salad….and remember, NO BREAD.

9) Think of Starch Second
For most dieters, its not necessarily the consumption of too many “Carbs” that leads to weight gain, but too much Starch. So, when eating your starch meal (at dinner preferably), try to think of starch second. Example: When eating a pasta meal, think of a side salad starter and ice-cream or chocolate mousse for dessert as opposed to bread basket starter and cake for dessert. Think of vegetables and salads and don’t overdo the starch.

10) Avoid Meal Replacement Shakes
Meal replacement shakes require less digestive energy than solid-food meals – thus when used to replace meals they can contribute to slowing down the metabolism, as the body uses energy to break down food (and requires less energy to break down shakes). Meal replacement shakes are OK every now and again when there is no time to eat a meal, but where possible, always aim for solid-food where possible.

Check out Ted's site for info on his popular weight loss e-book: "The Total Diet Solution"
Ted Frazer has been dedicated to weight-loss and "Wellness Revolution" for 20 years. He has studies hundreds of diet and exercise strategies and has written a fast-selling e-book "The Total Diet Solution". 

7 Simple Tips to Help Fulfill Your Weight Loss Resolutions

"Goals... ...and resolutions." Yes, it's that time of the year again. Why is it that every time Jan 1st comes around, everyone starts to think about their new resolutions for the year? Or perhaps "new" isn't the correct word -- perhaps "recycled" is more apt? After all, isn't it true that for most people, "resolutions are made to be broken?" Goals are a wonderful way to inspire us towards getting the things in life that we want, but more often than not, they simply end up unattained and we get frustrated (again) at the end of the year. But it doesn't have to be so. Really. 

You can attain your goals or resolutions, but only IF you know how to go about setting them up correctly in the first place. And I'll give you a few useful pointers to help you get started on the right track... 

- Begin with the end in mind. What's the end result you want to achieve? Do you want to lose weight? Or do you want to drop 1 dress size instead? - Get specific and be realistic. It's not enough to just say "I want to lose weight." How much do you want to lose _exactly_? By when? A better goal is to say "I want to lose 11 pounds in 3 months." And make sure your goal is realistic. 

If you want to drop 27 pounds, it's not realistic to say you want to do that within the next 7 days, not to mention that it's not healthy to do that! Or if you've been putting on the weight slowly over the last 10 years, it's not quite realistic to say you want to go back to your weight 10 years ago within a month. 

- Break it down into smaller and easier "baby steps." Let's say you want to lose 20 pounds. That seems like an insurmountable task, but it becomes easier to manage if you look at it as losing an average of 1 pound per week, over a course of 20 weeks. Now's that manageable! For you to lose a pound a week, you only need to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day by controlling your diet and increasing your amount of exercises. 

- Okay, now for the big "secret" -- the missing key to achieving your goals: Write down your "Why" i.e. what are you doing this for? Most people skip this step, and it's a primary reason why they never seem to achieve their goals. It's absolutely critical for you to write down the reasons why you want to achieve each specific goal. For example, if the goal is to "lose 20 pounds in 6 months," write down why you want to lose that weight. And here's another tip: Make it "personal and emotional." The more "emotional" the reason, the more likely you'll be driven towards the goal. So, let's say you've got kids. An example of a good "reason why" is "I know being overweight is a leading cause of many health problems -

- I will lose the 20 pounds and get healthier so that I will not be a burden to my children, and be able to stay healthy long enough to attend my daughter's wedding and be there to carry my grandchildren." A ssuming all these things are important to you, of course. :-) But I'm sure you get the picture. 

- "Write it down and put it up!" It's usually not good enough to just think of the goals in your head. You need to write down all your specific goals and the "reasons why," and then paste it up where you will look at it every day. Don't write it down on a notebook and chuck that inside the drawer. Instead, paste it up on your dressing table mirror, or anywhere else that is in plain sight. Remember, "out of sight, out of mind!"

 - Do not be too ambitious. Aim for a loss of 1-2 pounds per week, at the max! Losing more than that amount is bad for you. And it'll most probably be caused by a loss of water and/or muscle, rather than your unwanted excess body fat. 

- Be realistic and "go with the flow." The pounds didn't come on overnight, so don't expect them to disappear in a jiffy too. And sometimes the weight loss isn't as fast (or as much) as planned. But don't get stressed out, because stress will only add on the pounds. It's important that you don't think of the weight loss process as "all or nothing." Instead, think of it as "slowly but surely." The weight may go up a little sometimes, but if you stick to your plan, you'll still be delighted at the end of the year! Use these simple steps and make a positive difference to your life this year! Best of luck! Copyright 2006 Tracy Lee