Thursday, April 12, 2012

Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning

Beyond the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, the citizen/worker of the twenty-first century needs complex analytical skills. The technological tools of the Information Age--computer networks, telecommunications systems, and databases--have put an unprecedented volume of information at our fingertips. Yet how aware are we of what is available, when to use it, and how to find out about it?

Education systems and institutions must take seriously the challenges of the Information Age. This includes restructuring the learning process to reflect the use of information in the real world, changing the role of the teacher from presenter of prefabricated facts to facilitator of active learning, and including the library/media specialist as a collaborator in curriculum planning for effective use of information resources.


For many years educators have heard about a variety of literacies--print, visual, computational, cultural, computer, scientific--and their importance in every child's education. Each of the literacies prescribes a process by which the learner can more easily negotiate the content unique to a particular area of study. Each of the literacies operates in isolation of the others, and each has its own vocabulary and conventions for study. Information literacy, on the other hand, is a potential tool of empowerment for all learners, reached through a "resource-based" learning approach. 
Briefly defined, information literacy is an individual's ability to: 

--recognize a need for information; 

--identify and locate appropriate information sources; 

--know how to gain access to the information contained in those sources; 

--evaluate the quality of information obtained; 

--organize the information; and 

--use the information effectively. (Doyle, 1992)

Information literacy programs encourage shifts in the roles of teachers and learners. Such changes are essential to prepare learners to live and work in an information-centered society.


In an information literate environment, students engage in active, self-directed learning activities, and teachers facilitate students' engagement through a more adventurous style of instructional delivery. Students involved in information literate activities: 

--seek a rich range of information sources; 

--communicate an understanding of content; 

--pose questions about the content being learned; 

--use the environment, people, and tools for learning; 

--reflect on their own learning; 

--assess their own learning; and 

--take responsibility for their own learning.

These students feel good about themselves as learners, and they leave school feeling passionate about some content.

Teachers trying to create an information literate environment for their students have given up the view that teaching is telling, that learning is absorbing, and that knowledge is static. They constantly make difficult choices about old curriculums, examining subject-area requirements closely, setting priorities, and considering process as well as content. They look beyond their classrooms for resources that will enrich the learning environment. They engage in collaborative activities which enrich their own professional development and their students' learning experiences. They seek the expertise of their school library media specialists as partners in the curriculum planning process.

Teachers involve students in complex tasks that have purposes beyond the limits of the classroom and the teacher's critical evaluation. They also create collaborative situations to develop students' social skills and problem-solving skills. They are familiar with a variety of learning tools, both print-based and electronic, and they encourage their students to move beyond the textbook when seeking information and solving problems.


Information literacy thrives in a resource-based learning environment. In such an environment, students and teachers make decisions about appropriate sources of information and how to access them. Aside from more traditional print resources--textbooks, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines--they use technological resources such as videotape and videodisc, CD-ROM, software tools, and simulation/modeling tools. They use computer networking and telecommunications for both data access and participation in learning communities. They use multimedia technologies as materials for gathering data and as production tools. They use their school library media centers to locate and use many of these resources.

In addition to using technological resources, learners also reach beyond classroom walls into their local communities for the rich supply of materials and authoritative information provided by businesses, social services agencies, citizens' groups, and public and university libraries. The mass media--cable and network television, radio broadcasts, and other national and international print and electronic services--provide yet another rich source for information.


For Students:
Information literacy--and the resource-based learning programs that foster it--counteracts the information dependency created by traditional schooling, where students must rely on the teacher to dispense information. It requires active learning. Students take more control of their learning, and the teacher is freed from the role of omniscient expert. Yet the teacher becomes more important in the role of facilitator of interaction at the small-group or individual level. The final product of resource-based learning is usually a paper, presentation or exit performance. Regardless of where and how information literacy skills are acquired, they are applicable in any school, play, or work situation.

Resource-based learning accommodates varied interests and ability levels. Students don't need to read exactly the same materials on the same topic when they are identifying their own approaches to a theme or topic of study. When teachers encourage students to do their own research, students take responsibility for their learning, and they retain more of the information they have gathered for themselves.

Information literate students are more effective consumers of information resources. They learn to recognize that information is packaged in a variety of ways, that it is packaged using a variety of techniques, that it serves a variety of interests, and that it contains a variety of value messages. Information literate students are more critical when they make decisions about the resources they use. 

For Citizens:
Lengthening lifespans and increasing leisure time have altered the formula for what constitutes a productive, healthy, and satisfying life. To respond effectively to an ever-changing environment, people need more than just a knowledge base. They need techniques for exploring, making connections, and making practical use of information.

Information-literate citizens know how to use information to their best advantage at work and in everyday life. They identify the most useful information when making decisions such as where to locate a business, how to vote, or whether to have a child. They are able to evaluate newscasts, advertisements, and political campaign speeches, recognizing when statistics are being used to support only one aspect of a complex issue. Current policy questions pose unprecedented complexity and international implications--immigration and "brain drain," the drug crisis, and the state of the environment. When statistics saturate all aspects of an issue, information literacy enables citizens to recognize deception and disinformation, so that they may make a truly informed decision.

These citizens appreciate the value and power of information. They believe in the need for information to address problems and questions in their own lives, in their communities, and in society. They understand that information is not necessarily knowledge until it has been analyzed, questioned, and integrated into their existing body of knowledge and experiences. They are equipped to be lifelong learners because they know how to learn. 

For Workers:
The workplace of the present and future demands a new kind of worker. Reading and arithmetic ability simply are not enough. In a global marketplace, data is dispatched in picoseconds and gigabits. The deluge of information must be sorted, evaluated, and applied, and workers must be able to gather, synthesize, interpret, and evaluate. Lack of these skills currently costs business billions of dollars annually in low productivity, accidents, absenteeism, and poor product quality. Workers must be information literate.

For the individual worker, the workplace has become a place of cataclysmic change and untold opportunity. Adapting to a rapidly changing work environment will mean multiple career and job changes. An early commitment to learning as a process, not as an end product, and the role information literacy plays in this process, will enable workers to see these changes as transitional, not traumatic.


American Association of School Librarians and Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (1988). INFORMATION POWER: GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAMS. Chicago: American Library Association, and Washington: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. ED 315 029.

American Library Association. ED 315 074. 

Breivik, Patricia Senn. (1991, June-July). Literacy in an information society. COMMUNITY, TECHNICAL, AND JUNIOR COLLEGE JOURNAL, 61(6), 28-29, 32-35.

Breivik, Patricia S., & Gee, E. Gordon. (1989). INFORMATION LITERACY: REVOLUTION IN THE LIBRARY. New York: ACE/Macmillan.



Eisenberg, Michael B., & Berkowitz, Robert E. (1992, January). Information problem-solving: The Big Six Skills approach. SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA ACTIVITIES MONTHLY, 8(5), 27-29, 37, 42.

Haycock, Carol-Ann. (1991, May). Resource-based learning: A shift in the roles of teacher, learner. NASSP BULLETIN, 75(535), 15-22.

Kuhlthau, Carol Collier. (1987). INFORMATION SKILLS FOR AN INFORMATION SOCIETY. Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources. ED 297 740.


Ads by Google

The ads by Google' message you see on most of the websites you visit are Google's way of earning its revenue. Google displays ads of advertisers registered with them. The software algorithm designed by Google ensures that the ads displayed on the website are very much in relation with the website's published content. You would have experienced this within your Gmail account, where the ads displayed by Google are very much in relation to the words contained in the content of your mail.

Since Google earns revenue when users click the ads displayed within the ads by Google' ads banner, Google has launched the Google AdSense program which allows website owners to earn a share of Google's ad revenue by accepting to display Google's ad banner on their website.

You too could earn a considerable amount of money from the AdSense program. There are some formalities which you must mandatorily complete after which you will be accepted into the Google AdSense program. The following is a list of tasks you must mandatorily complete:

1. You should own a website which has very useful and informative content, which website users can greatly benefit. If you do not have a website, you should register a domain and create a website.

2. Merely having a website will not prompt internet users to visit your website, you need to search engine optimize the website, and also conduct promotional activities to popularize your website.

3. Once you are ready with the website and website content, you should apply to Google for participation in the Google AdSense program.

4. Google mandatorily requires you to have a Gmail account to apply. Further, Google will enquire about your website and its content. Once you have submitted the application, Google will review the application and decide whether to accept you into the program, or not.

5. If you are not accepted into the program, you need to make the necessary corrections and reapply for the program at a later date.

6. If you are accepted into the program, you could download the code to display the ads by Google' banner from Google and apply it to your website.

7. The Google ads will start showing up on your website once you have completed all the necessary formalities Google has mandatorily requested of you, including verifying your office or residence address where you intend to receive the Google AdSense check; you would receive a check once your Google AdSense accumulates sufficient money.

8. Once the Google ads start to show up on your website, you need to promote your website through numerous ways to bring in internet user traffic. Only a good flow of internet users visiting your website can ensure that you earn considerably from the Google AdSense program.

Despite your success in displaying the ads by Google' banner on your website, getting users to click on the displayed ads is a monstrous task. Further, if your website is promoting your products, it would not be a good idea to have the ads by Google' banner displaying ads of your competitors, and thereby whisking away your potential customers.

You need to use the right techniques and follow Google AdSense policies stringently to make revenue generation through Google AdSense effective. Only a person who has experienced Google AdSense revenue generation firsthand can effectively guide you on this aspect. The author of this article has ample experience with Google AdSense, website design, search engine optimization, and so forth. The author is most willing to guide you with the Google AdSense revenue generation process, on a consultancy basis.

Note: If you're looking for an honest, ethical and legitimate opportunity to generate a full time income from home. click here.

For Free training, Free Education, and Free income generating website visit. today.

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4 Secrets On How To Get Pregnant Finally Revealed!

There isn't anything more precious in this world than a beautiful newborn baby. One of the greatest joys in life comes from being the parent of a healthy baby boy or girl. The deep, emotional bond between mother and child begins in the womb. But not everyone is able to experience this joy in their lives, due to several factors, including age, and ailments like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and ovarian cysts. If you are experiencing difficulties with getting pregnant, and have considered in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intra-uterine insemination (IUI), or you taking dangerous fertility drugs, you may be putting your life, as well as the life of your potential child, at risk. The best approach to getting pregnant is always the natural and holistic approach.

But what is the correct way of using a natural and holistic approach in order to get pregnant quickly? Due to my own issues with fertility, I have done extensive research into the various safe and natural methods of getting pregnant. I would like to share with you four of the many secret tips I have learned for getting pregnant.

- I Was Able To Get Pregnant With Natural And Holistic Methods In Less Than 90 Days. If You Too Want To Get Pregnant Like Me Click Here And Find Out More.

Unfortunately, because so many women are desperate to get pregnant, drug and pharmaceutical companies are selling expensive prescription fertility pills in hopes of cashing in on this desperation. And of course many snake oil salesmen have appeared with fraudulent claims of instant fertility cures. These fertility drugs have been proven to lead to an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. The truth of the matter is that infertility is a message telling your body that something is wrong on the inside. Instead of relying on dangerous prescription pills to get pregnant, you should take the route that Mother Nature has provided. There are many different vitamins and minerals you should be taking right now to improve your fertile health, and there are vitamins and minerals that your significant other should be taking as well to help with the process. This includes Vitamin C, which boosts sperm mobility, and zinc, which will maintain his testosterone levels and sperm count.

Avoid Fertility Treatments and Surgeries like the Plague

If you are currently having difficulties getting pregnant, you may believe that you have to resort to expensive and painful medical procedures, such as IVF and IUI. But these types of treatments often do more harm than good, and can lead to some very serious consequences for your child, including increased risk of premature birth and 9 times the risk of developing cerebral palsy. This is why natural methods of getting pregnant are always the safest route, because it increases the chances of your baby being a healthy and vibrant child.

Eat the Best Foods for Fertility and Avoid Foods That Lead to Infertility

As mentioned previously, infertility is a sure-shot sign that there is something wrong on the inside. And of course one of the best means of keeping your internal system in order and more conducive to getting pregnant, is by being selective about what you eat and don't eat. There are many foods that will assist you in your efforts to become pregnant, such as whole grain breads, beans, and full-fat dairy products.  There are also foods and beverages that can decrease your chances of conceiving significantly, in some cases as much as 50%.

Always Use the Holistic Approach

If you notice one thing in common about the other three tips, they involve a strategy for getting pregnant naturally, without the use of medicines, chemicals, or fertility surgery procedures. Your body has been naturally designed to provide the best environment for your baby to grow. Any interference with this system can lead to many problems down the line. While you may be on the hunt for shortcuts, the quickest way to get pregnant is typically the natural way.


Free Sample Sales Letter: Example of How to Write a Persuasive Business Marketing Letter

Here is an example of a business-to-business sales letter mailed to auto dealers by a firm that markets gift cards that replace paper gift certificates. Anything in brackets [like this] did not appear in the letter but simply appears to describe the mechanics of the letter

Author: Alan Sharpe

Target audience: General managers of auto dealerships

Mailer: Sharpe AutoCards [a fictional company for the purposes of this sample letter]

Purpose: Generate appointments for salespeople


[Is 5 x 9 inches in dimension and has a window, through which appears a portion of a gift card, personalized with the prospect's name. The envelope has a teaser headline: Inside: A win-win-lose proposition for your auto dealership.]


[Is 8 1/2 x 11 inches, copy on both sides]

December 27, 2007

Brad Carling, General Manager

Tri-City Chev-Olds

123 Any Street

Anytown OH 12345-9163

[Right here, beneath the prospect's name, is affixed to the letter a sample auto gift card, personalized with the prospect's name, and this headline: As you can see, this card has success written all over it.]

Dear Mr. Carling:

Go ahead, pull this amazing little card off the paper.

It's made of plastic. It costs you $2 to buy. But it's worth the price of a new car, sold off your lot. This card is worth the lifetime value of a loyal customer. In sales, service, parts, accessories and referrals. And goodwill. And free word-of-mouth advertising.

Hold it in you hand for a minute, and think of your competition. Consider your revenue goals for the next quarter. Do you need to increase your new and used vehicle sales? Boost your parts & service department revenue? Multiply your accessories department revenue? Retain customers after their warranty runs out?

This card will help. Big time. It's a vital part of Sharpe AutoCards, a custom-branded loyalty and gift card program that generates revenue for your dealership. But first, how it works.

Take a look at the front of your card. As you can see, you customize the card to match your dealership's brand image and visual identity. Now turn it over. See that magnetic stripe across the back? It stores information about the card's dollar value and each transaction.

You hand cards like this to everyone whose business you want to attract and whose loyalty you must keep. Walk ins. Be Backs. Looky-Lous. Current customers. Even former customers. They all use the card to buy products and services at your auto dealership only.

You manage the program using a simple card reader hooked to a personal computer at your dealership running our software. For an average auto dealership, the start-up cost of buying the system and operating it for one year is less than $2 per car sold that year.

That's what the card does. Here's what it does for you.

Please read the brochure I've enclosed for the compelling specifics. You use the Sharpe AutoCards card to:

1. Close more sales by beating competitors' discounts

2. Boost your service department revenue and repeat business

3. Multiply your accessories department revenue

4. Retain customers for years after the sale

5. Attract potential customers and increase traffic in your showroom

6. Increase referral business

7. Increase revenue on the back end

8. Promote brand awareness of your dealership

The Sharpe AutoCards system is up to five times less expensive than competing offerings. Plus, you pay no transaction fees and you don't have to buy any annual maintenance contracts. I call that a win-win-lose proposition for you, your customers and your competitors.

Use your card today to receive free coffee and donuts for four.

The gift card you are holding in your hand has been pre-loaded with $10 worth of coffee and donuts. Get a first-hand demonstration of how the card works by inviting me to your showroom for a complimentary consultation about the Sharpe AutoCards system. Hand me your gift card, I'll swipe it, process your transaction, and hand over your free coffee and donuts. Like the gift cards you'll use one day, this one can only be redeemed at the place of business on the card, which is to say, Tri-City Chev-Olds.

When is a good time for us to get together for coffee and a chat at your showroom? Call me at 123 456-7891 today and let's set up an appointment.

Signs of Sexual Attraction From a Woman

Some girls can't help but flirt. It doesn't matter who they're talking to or how they like the looks of him, get them talking to any guy and their eyelashes will start to flutter.

You can't really blame them. If all it took for me to get my own way was to giggle and thrust my chest out, I don't think I'd ever stop.

But it's not much help to us men.

We've all read articles about female body language. We know how to spot if a girl is flirting with us and we've been told that means that she fancies us. Now it turns out that that isn't necessarily true.

So how do you go about recognizing which are the compulsive flirts and which girls are genuinely hot for you?

Well, I'm about to tell you.

The first thing to remember is that some body language cannot be faked. Sure, she can twirl her hair and hold your gaze, but there are certain signals which only genuinely interested girls give out.

Start by looking into her eyes. If she likes the looks of you her eyebrows will twitch momentarily upwards in greeting and her pupils will quickly dilate. Her focus will begin darting between your left and right eyes and occasionally down to your lips.

Check her skin. If her blood's pumping excitedly, her neck and chest will become slightly flushed and she may be more prone to blushing. You might also notice she's stroking her own chest, arm or face slowly and seductively - any rhythmic caressing of herself is an absolute give away that this girl is really into you.

Finally, look for mirroring. If you've both turned your shoulders and legs so you're facing each other, you know you've made a connection. You are also likely to start reaching for your drinks at the same time, or simultaneously sorting your hair.

Now let's go beyond body language and look at her behavior.

You see, while compulsively flirty girls are after your attention, they're also after the attention of every other man in the room. A woman who is genuinely into you, on the other hand, only needs you notice her and will focus all of her energies on making sure that happens.

There are various ways in which girls try to get your attention. She may ask you to dance. If you insist that she dances without you, she will spend the whole song glancing your way to check that you're watching. She may pull out a few extra sexy moves designed to get your heart thumping.

Try talking to another girl, whether a friend or the bartender. If the flirty girl suddenly appears at your side or you notice her watching intently, you can be sure that she's feeling jealous. She's trying her best to impress you tonight and won't want to share your attention with anyone.

On the other hand, if you catch her giggling and whispering with your guy friends, don't assume the worst. Girls know they need your mates' seal of approval so by doing her best to get them to like her, she's trying to ensure that you will, too.

And finally, if she leans in close and starts telling you her secrets, you know that you've scored. By creating an aura of intimacy between you she is allowing herself to relax - and nothing is more important than that if you're planning on taking 

How To Plan A Wedding

Planning a wedding involves making lots of decisions, and depending your wedding date, the process of planning can be hectic to say the least. This is why you need all the help you can get in terms of ideas and activities that will help you plan your wedding with ease.

1. Always Involve Your Partner In Planning

Your partner is plays a huge part in planning your wedding. When you cooperate with each other in the wedding plans, you may be pleasantly surprised by the creative ideas that you can come up with together. You may not always agree on everything, but do agree to disagree and find solutions that please the both of you.

2. Decide On The Guest List Before Anything Else

The number of people attending your wedding affects almost every aspect of wedding planning, from the venue, to the budget, the menu, and everything else in between. Sit down with your partner and decide carefully who gets to come to your wedding, and then make the other decisions around the guest list.

3. Choose A Location For Your Wedding

Whether your wedding will be indoors or outdoors, the venue you select should comfortably fit all your guests and provide amenities such as a kids' section, bathrooms and care for the elderly guests. Also check whether there will be room for you and your partner to have some private moments together at the venue. Choose a location that will be accessible for your guests, meaning that they do not have to travel far to get to your wedding.

4. Choose A Theme For Your Wedding

This is where all the creativity comes in, and you can have the wedding of your dreams. The theme of your wedding can range from the seasons- summer wedding, winter wedding, fall wedding or spring wedding. You could also have a Victorian wedding or a beach wedding. Themes are abundantly available for you to choose from, and you can even combine two themes into one. Only make sure that your theme is practical enough and will be appreciated by your guests as well.

5. Create A Realistic Budget For Your Wedding

How much you spend on your wedding can make or break the planning process. Many disagreements arise from this, especially if one partner has more costly ideas for the wedding than the other. Always be realistic, and save as much money as you can because to be honest, your wedding day is only one out of your whole lives together, and you do not want to start your marriage when you are broke. Thinking long term usually helps in making the wedding budget.

6. Hire A Wedding Planner For Efficiency

When all the above aspects of planning a wedding are agreed upon, you can now look for the best wedding planner to take over. Do not let the planner, even with their expertise on weddings, to make major decisions for you. You can of course leave room for adjustments, but your planner should be able to make your guest list, budget, venue and other parts of your wedding work together.

These are the main steps to planning a wedding successfully, so consider them when planning your big day.


How to Get a Girl to Like you - Guaranteed Tips to Win Her Heart!

Are you stumped with how to get a girl to like you? Fear not, because there are ways to catch a woman's heart. Around half of the world's male population have a dilemma on how to capture the heart of the girl of their dreams the same as you. Just what is it that makes women weak in the knees anyway? Below is a list of tips on how to get a girl to like you:

Be yourself.
As with getting anyone, male or female, to like you, simply be yourself. Being fake would only repulse people. Faking your own personality drives people away. Honesty and integrity is a barometer of trustworthiness. If a girl can't trust you to be yourself, why would she entrust you with her life?.

Immerse yourself.
If you've always felt awkward with the fairer sex, it's not the end of the world. It may take practice; but as with any intrepid endeavor, it takes time to warm up to the changes. Start with the basics.

Take note of your own family. How do the male and female members interact? If you're fortunate enough to have been raised in a female-dominated family, then you'd at least have a basic awareness of how to conduct yourself around girls. But if you've only ever been exposed to testosterone your entire life, you'll have to work a little harder at it.

Try to interact with women more and try to be familiar with their ways. It won't do you good to avoid them at all costs just because you are daunted by them. Girls aren't immune to insecurity, too. If you're afraid to approach a girl, remind yourself that girls wonder about how to get guys to like them as well.

Be nice.
Being nice and pleasant are two different things. Sure, you might be a pleasant fellow to be around with, but do you actually go out of your way to be a decent human being?

Help an old lady cross the street. Be a role model for kids to look up to. Be kind to animals. Being considerate to others, no matter the age, gender, or species, is sure to make any girl fall for you.

Of course, don't do it just to impress her. If all you're after are the brownie points, your efforts will only backfire, painfully.

Clean up your act.
There are females may find rugged types rather appealing. That, however, is no excuse for you to avoid hygienic rituals. A guy can be the most awe-inspiring Adonis, but it's a given the girls will flee and avoid him like a dreaded disease if he lives like a slob.

Be a friend.
Yes, platonic relationships between people of the opposite sexes do exist. In some cases, pure friendship relationships can even lead to romantic relationships. But whether or not you'd like to take it that far, bear in mind that girls weren't made to be chased after to be captured like prize game.

The chances for her to like your company if you treat her with respect, listen to her intently, and be her support system when she's not in a good place. Let her see your clean intentions and you shouldn't let her feel like you're only after one thing (and you're probably aware what that is).

Just follow these simple steps on how to get a girl to like you and the girl of your dreams will be yours in no time.


Sexy In Sixty Seconds: Tips For When All You Can Think Of Is "I Have Nothing To Wear!"

A lot of women open their closets in the morning, and after looking over rack upon rack of clothes, exclaim, "I have nothing to wear!".

Well, you know that's not true but it's a natural reaction from information overload of seeing all those choices (actual clothes you do have in your closet). You just fail to see the trees from the forest.

So let's break it down shall we?

First off, you have got to get organized.

This is a must ladies if you want to be out of that door looking oh-so-chic and put-together.

This, of course, takes more than sixty seconds but let's call this prep work. Arrange your closet(s) so that like colors go with like colors, dresses with dresses, blouses with blouses, bottoms with get the picture. Or, you can also opt to be a little more obsessive about it (assuming you have the closet space for this) and arrange it by, say, season - one closet for spring, summer, winter, and fall. And if you have more time in your hands, you can even go as far as arranging it by type - casuals, dressier versions, party clothes, work outfits each in their own place.

But, really, the main thing to do before anything else, is to re-arrange that closet so you can see both the trees and the forest.

Second, and, here's where the fun begins, here are a few tips to get you out of that "I have nothing to wear" mindset.

Consciously decide on your mood for the day. Despite how crappy you may feel when you wake up, you can decide on what you want your mood to be for the rest of the day and channel it through your clothes. And with a much more streamlined closet, it's easy to pick out which goes best with your mood. So... feeling a little feral today? Maybe that leopard scarf might be a good start. Pretty soon you'll see yourself in an outfit that represents a part of you, you might not have otherwise let out before. Isn't that fun?

Pick one "bold" thing to build on. Speaking of a good start, sometimes you're really just at a loss what to wear. So I say, just pick anything. But not just any old thing or you'll end up going back to your "favorite default clothes". Pick one "bold" thing from your closet and build your look around that. It could be a beautiful intricate belt, a shift dress with in an eye-popping color, shoes you wouldn't otherwise wear during the day. It'll get your creativity juices flowing and then you'll find that you've thrown together one unique outfit. All because you didn't go for your comfort clothes

Solids work wonders. Woke up an hour after your alarm went off? Yeah, it happens. So on those days, there's really one way to go that guarantees sexy in sixty seconds. Go for the basics. What basics? A classic black dress, white button down shirt, anything in other words solid colors work wonders. The secret ingredient? Accessories! With solid colors, you can thrown on just about any accessory to really energize your outfit.
So, with just these few tips in mind, any woman can easily transition from thinking "I have nothing to wear!" to having the mental attitude that exudes "I look so good in this I feel like taking a picture of myself!".
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Outsourcing Search Engine Optimization Services to India

Achieve Top Rankings for Your Company's Website in Major Search Engines.

Focus is a byword with the majority of the companies right now. To attain these rankings inside the industry, which make you stand apart, outsourcing Seo services to India shows the way. It's a considerably better way towards the maintenance of one's official web site because it takes bulk of one's advertising and marketing burdens on itself. Regardless of how effective your in-house staff may be, it nonetheless takes for a expert to arrive at a logical resolution. For an organization, marketing and advertising could be the helpful tool to reach towards the masses and carve out a profitable industry for itself. The visibility factor of a organization is at play right here as well as a quantity of well-liked search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Blekko and so on. result inside the purposeful search final results. Algorithms are an successful strategy to enhance the search engine rankings as well as to run an e-commerce site. Because the modifications are occurring at a rapid pace, it pays to get a web site to stand out amidst the list of productive search engine results.

Outsourcing Search engine optimization (seo) assists you in grasping the complexities of link building method within a fairly uncomplicated way. Management of the writing process as with the content is tied up with the profitable method with the enterprise. It really is because the content material is the informative way to catch hold with the visitor attention at the web. The Search engine marketing is an expert who understands every single project on the basis of your needs as well as elements involved inside the competitors and comes up with a sound approach. Outsourcing Search engine optimization services assists in keyword optimization, density, rewriting the text, description, meta tags. These are valuable tools for generating site visitors within the web sites. The style of each site is special to ensure that desired result is obtained and in this method browser control for Internet explorer, Fire fox, opera are involved. Outsourcing is accomplished with an eye on streamlining the method of company operations and consequently to save the surplus amounts which you'll be able to use in other valuable elements of company.

The seo processes entail marketing and advertising, promotion and ranking your website. Outsourcing Seo in India is a practical strategy to setup realistic goals for your business because the operate completed is very methodical in its approach. As the approach takes its time, the gap among undertaking the projects and finishing them is utilized in developing workable strategies for your firms. These help in raising the rankings of your web site as high as you possibly can by taking the support of link exchange campaigns. Every Search engine marketing campaign is therefore special requiring total website optimization. A search engine Optimizer has the main job of integrating various aspects like content optimization, search engine rankings and correct keyword choice using a host of skills for both on page and off page seo optimization.

Decreasing the expenses of the advertising campaign may be the main aim due to which, you're in a position to develop other priorities inside your organization. Outsourcing Search engine optimization services to India therefore is very profitable for the organization because it provides the permanent boost you badly demand. The advantages are many along with the guarantees of success, a promised factor. Select an Search engine optimization consultant who is an expert and well known for its abilities in website optimization in the online marketing. Via SEO outsourcing to India, you might be in a position to tank up your resources to additional objectives to get a profitable venture.

Using Video Marketing To Get Targeted Traffic

Would you like to discover some online marketing techniques that can allow you to earn the money that you're looking for in your business? Hopefully you do, because in the internet marketing world, if you can't produce the traffic to remain profitable, you may very well end up going out of business.

This is something that is very true, and is something that you will want to consider when marketing your online business everyday. It's very important to sell to your backend customers, but it's also very important to get traffic on a recurring basis back to your website. If you can do this very well, you will stand a good chance of succeeding in your business simply and easily.

Now as you may know, there are a ton of ways to get traffic to your website. You will want to analyze these traffic sources carefully, and then deduce them to about 10 traffic sources that you can implement every week. Soon you will see the traffic start to come in, and you will see that it's very easy to get targeted traffic back to your website.

In today's lesson, I want to share with you a traffic generation technique that you can use to boost your online sales, and get you all the prospects and potential new customers that you can possibly handle. Let's take a look at this traffic method. It's one of my favorites to do everyday:

- Video marketing

The basic gist of video marketing is that you create a video and submit them to sites like YouTube, Metacafe, or Viddler. To get people back to your website, you will want to list your website information at the bottom of your video, so that people can enter your website address into their web browser.

Now with YouTube, you can list your URL in the description part of your video, and it will turn it into a clickable link - diminishing the option of typing your website address into their browser bar. This is a very good way to get traffic and it's something that you should start doing today.

It doesn't matter if you're camera shy - you can still produce a good YouTube video. Speak on a subject for around 5 minutes, and you will be good to go. It's not like you're speaking in front of a crowd of 5,000 people... you're just recording yourself, and nobody's there to critique you or look at you. So this should be very easy.

Getting more YouTube views are easy also. The first thing you should know though is that music videos get the bulk of the traffic on YouTube. So if you're in a niche like "bass fishing"... some good YouTube views may be around in the 3,000 range. This is still good, but compared to a celebrity music video, it's not in comparison.

But that's ok. You will get your recurring traffic back to your website, and this is what you should be striving for. Keep using YouTube everyday, and you will find that it's more than worth it to do in your business.

Take these YouTube marketing tips and use them to earn the kind of money that you're looking for in your business today.

Good luck with using these tips in your internet business today.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here:

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The Girl Code

So we…Women just bond – we don't seem to need all those props and trappings, pop and ceremony, sports and secrecy and silly games and funny handshakes. All women need for bonding is couple of chairs and a pot of tea – maybe not even that.  But… Whether you're married, single, or sworn off men forever, to be part of this sisterhood and blessed with friends, The Laws of Girl Code is a capacious, complicated, and compulsory tome for all women. Girl Code has existed for generations, protecting and preserving friendships from our estrogen-infused tendency towards cattiness. Abide by Girl Code and you are sure to live a long, happy, drama-free life (at least when it comes to avoiding cat fights).

I couldn't help but wonder where this Girl Code comes from, is it made in every girl's blood or is it something we learn for surviving? Are the girl code really for women, would we need it if there were no men? Do men has pushed us to make the girl code or does just every girl is filled with bitchiness and has that  insatiable need to complicate everything in  life?  Whatever…Any rulebreak is punishable by bitching from fellow females.

The Single Girl Code is the most complex and voluminous of all the Girl Code sections simply because of the nature of the beast.  When you are unattached, you are essentially in competition with all other single women, including your friends.

Although Rule no 1 and the MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: Never, ever, under any circumstances date your friend's; exs, past crushes, guys who have humiliated/used her and guys she currently fancies... Do this at your own risk biatch!! Even This IS the most important it is still very common not to observe. But if You break it forget about your girlfriend forever and prepare for the BIG catfight.

Why do we ever need the men another girl has condemned? Is one woman's disaster another's luck? Can my tears really be happiness for someone else?

Rule no 2 : It is perfectly acceptable to take an automatic dislike to a girl/ judge them without ever speaking to them.  And that's what WE, women, do all the time.. Not the right clothes, hair, body or attitude (if it ever gets so far)? Oh…Sweety, don't even look at us! Men has always considered to be competitive, but take a better look at women…They have made Lipstick Jungle out there and You- Men are lucky to live outside that area although close enough to sometimes get involved.

Rule no 3: Never come down to Boyfriend illness.  It's contagious, can quarantine you from all human contact, and is grounds for public uproar, geared towards you.  Always make time for your friends and lead a balanced life.Whether you plan a poker night every week, or make a vow to have Gossip Girl dates every Monday, keep a ritual with your friends and do your best to always honor it.  Yes, we are very good at rituals and for goodness sake if you do not attend one, there will definitely be gossips behind your back…and an intervention immediately. Do not choose a man over your best friend! .  If you change boyfriends so fast they rarely achieve name status, a man must be around for at least six weeks before you make your friends bother to learn his first name. Until such time, he should be referred to as "The boy" or "That guy". That's how we do It before a man has earned our respect : If we just met a guy and know absolutley nothing about him, but need to refer to him during 'girl talk' we use one example of who he is, something he has, or what he does, and he becomes... that guy. Boys keep in mind: if you date a girl, you date her best friends too, that's how it is and it will never ever change just for you..

Rule no 4: You are to never diss a friends boyfriend except to agree lightly or nod when she says he's being an asshole. (In most cases it is easier to nod.) Exception: If a guy cheated or dumped your friend it is exceptional for you to claim he isn't good enough, and that she deserves better as well as reminding her that he was an asshole anyway.

If you've gone through a breakup, chances are you had your army of girlfriends, however big or small, rally around you to pull you out of the abysmal trenches of post-breakup depression.  They helped you put the pieces back together, realize that your life doesn't suck without him, and that, actually, you're probably better off without him. Chocolate is an accepted food in any occasion… But just don't forget …

Rule no 5: Always remember who was there to pull you up by the bootstraps and be sure to repay the favor when they're down in the dumps.  If a friend had a horrendous day at work, bring over a bottle of wine and your Sex & The City DVDs to cheer her up.  The little things go a long way.

Whether you're married, single, or sworn off men forever, remember: "a friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be."


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Solid Auto Insurance Advice For Anyone To Use

Buying the right insurance for your car is essential to prevent financial difficulties when an accident occurs. The article below will describe how to ask the right questions from your broker or agent, what coverage to buy and how to avoid duplicate coverage. Read the article and ask the right questions from your insurance professional.

When buying a new car, look for one with as many safety features as possible. Certain features earn significant rate discounts, such as having a car alarm or extra air bags. These reduce potential damages and corresponding insurance claims. Consider installing additional safety features to an older automobile. Be sure to take care of outstanding tickets, before getting a new car insurance company. Insurance companies will check your driving history, so you want to make sure any outstanding fines are paid up. Taking care of these minor infractions is not just your responsibility, it can also keep your insurance costs down.

Understand basic insurance terms and coverage options before looking for an insurance policy. While each state has different requirements, the insurance basics are mainly the same. You should check quotes online and learn the terminology prior to speaking to a carrier. This will help you better understand your options so you will be sure to pick the best one for you. Thoroughly check your vehicle's insurance policy for possible errors. Inaccurate information on your policy can result in claim denials or delays in payment of your claim.

Does your policy list the correct home address? Is your vehicle's description accurate? Premiums include the cost of your annual mileage, so be sure your policy reflects how much you drive. Consider removing some of the coverage from your insurance policy that you no longer need. For older cars, it is not really important to have collision insurance. You can save a considerable amount of money by removing collision coverage. You can also consider dropping comprehensive and liability coverage.

If you have a valuable car and hardly any assets you should go with 100/200/100 coverage. Most states require motorists to maintain minimum liability coverage levels. Your policy should meet or exceed those levels. If you have multiple drivers insured on your policy, make sure that you report to your insurance company if someone stops using your vehicle. Adding more drivers to a policy will cost you money. Do you really need to cover more than one driver? Comparing the costs of different insurance policies for your car is not the only important factor. It will pay off in the long run if you look at the details, such as deductibles, limits and total coverage provided.

If you are contemplating making after market additions to your car, have a conversation with your agent to see how these would be covered. Expensive additions to your vehicle will increase your personal value for the car, yet may not increase the appraised value much, if at all. You do not have to switch cars to keep the premiums low. By keeping one driver attached to each vehicle, you can keep your costs low. Though it might be tempting to cancel your collision insurance to try to save money, you'll be glad to have the coverage if you cause an accident. Without it, you'll be responsible for the total cost of fixing your car. It is often difficult to gather the money needed to pay for auto repairs in full, rather than pay a much lesser amount to keep collision coverage on your vehicle.

When you get into an accident, car insurance can save your life. If you are going through a difficult time period, you can rest assured, because if you have good insurance you will be okay. This article will give you the answers that you need to get the right insurance.

W. Jackson is a licensed insurance agent in the State of Texas and is a noted writer in different genres of business. For more auto insurance information, quotes or coverages please call toll free 1-888-599-9464 to speak with a live phone representative or you can go to

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Backup Techniques to secure your Important Data

IBackup is a really good choice for an online backup and cloud storage company, but they have some really stiff competition. SOS has really made a strong name for themselves and is taking the online backup world by storm. Their affordable pricing and high quality features have brought them customers from all over the place. There are a few things that they have done particularly well, especially in comparison to a company like IBackup.

256 - bit encryption software is the tools of choice for both IBackup and SOS, and for good reason. This is what banks use, and what some parts of military installations choose to use as well. It has been proven to be one of the most secure versions of encryption software available on the market today. Even though it is so readily available, it is nearly impossible to break. Since you can schedule when backups occur and put security restrictions on different accounts, all of your information is as safe as it can possibly be.

Data recovery services entail the recovery of data from a computer's hard drive. The hard drive may have been formatted or damaged. Computer forensics is a special branch of computing that deals with complex data recovery to ensure that valuable data that has been lost is recovered in as much of its original state as possible, and to trace the data security path to determine why the data was lost in the first place in instances where foul play is suspected.

It doesn't matter how expensive or luxurious a computer or laptop is. There will always come a time where they crash and break down. There are numerous reasons why systems crash. This usually results in the loss of important files and documents. Some causes may not result in the loss of data, however, when a computer or a laptop crashes, you will obviously have to bring it for repair. How can you continue working on your current assignments, reports or projects, or even have access to all of your pictures, music and videos if your PC has to be repaired? Repairing these machines will take a long time; at least a week, or even longer. Also, your CPU's condition may leave repairmen with no choice but to format it, which will result in the loss of files.

If you are using your computer or laptop all the time for work-related items, such as documents, reports and other important files, or just to store memories in the form of pictures and videos, it is always best to keep copies of every important file you have. It is also recommended that you store extra copies on different backup products, so you will really not have to worry about your important documents getting lost even if you have no control over the reason why your PC had to crash.


How To Be Punctual At Work

Punctuality is something that seems to be gradually slipping away nowadays. Some people are described as being "fashionably late" and you could almost set your watch by the time others are late. But, even if your social life is always in arrears, punctuality at work is still important.

The thing is that making phone calls, producing reports and attending business meetings need to happen on time, otherwise all sorts of other schedules slip.

So how can you be more punctual at work?

It could be as simple as setting your watch ahead of time. This used to be a lot easier before Windows decided to correct for all those inaccurate built-in computer clocks but it may still be an option.

Set yourself an alarm before the deadline. You'll know how long it takes you to get ready for things like meetings - making sure all your notes are ready, that you've had a restroom break and that your caffeine levels are suitably adjusted. Then - rather than pressing snooze when the alarm goes off - make it a habit to start preparing immediately. If that's an issue, build in an extra five minutes (or whatever) "faffing around" time so that you still arrive before the deadline.

Aim to be early. That may be a completely new concept for you but it has the advantage of some built-in flexibility. If you're aiming to arrive, say, 2 minutes early then there's a bit of time that can be used if necessary to still arrive on time. Who knows, you might even start to enjoy not rushing around like the Mad Hatter.

Time yourself doing things. We often underestimate how long certain tasks take. If your mind thinks that something takes 3 minutes but it actually takes double that on a day where nothing "bad" gets in the way then you're facing a punctuality recipe for disaster. Timing yourself will take more time at first but once you begin to realize just how long things really take then you'll be better prepared to meet those deadlines.

Talking of deadlines, don't do what Douglas Adams did when he was alive - he once said that he loved the wooshing sound that deadlines make as they fly by. That's sort-of OK for someone who wrote funny prose for a living (and even then it probably didn't help his income) but not for serious business deadlines.

If your deadline involves a journey between where you currently are and where you need to be, build in some slack. Car journeys don't always run smoothly, planes and trains can happily ignore timetables on occasion. It's all right to be late once in a while because something unexpected happened but if you know that the roads always get busier at certain times of the day then it makes sense to build that in to your calculations and help yourself to be more punctual.
Overall, a lot of being punctual at work or elsewhere is habit. If you decide break your old habits and be more punctual in future then that's a good step to take.

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Play Flash Games on the Internet

If your idea of chilling out always involves some kind of a game, then your ultimate getaway should be the world of Internet. The World Wide Web is the best place to hang out with your friends, if you enjoy playing different types of online games. Flash games have a huge fan following in the virtual world. State-of-the-art flash games come packed with big doses of entertainment and excitement that keep the players hooked for hours. Nevertheless, you can play flash games on the Internet, either to kill time or just relax with your buddies, but whatever may be the reasons, you cannot ignore these popular online games.

The advanced flash applications are simply irresistible and there is no way that an avid gamer can steer clear of these types of games. However, if you play games only for passing your leisure hours away, you will be surprised to know that these games offer much more than just the evident distraction. These games will teach you about a wide array of interesting themes as well as add a boost to your regular reflexive actions. If you are an eager player, you can easily come across plethora of opportunities to play exclusive flash application games such as classics, adventure, puzzles, action, plat formers, racings, shooters, defenses, single players or multi players. The choices are numerous and the gaming experience will certainly be top of the class.

The biggest driving force behind the global popularity of the flash games is that these games can be easily accessed on the Internet. Most interestingly, most games are completely free of cost and not just for the single players. There are options to play those games for multiple players as well. No wonder these flash games turned out to be a rage among the flash aficionados, irrespective of their age and nationalities. The games are suited for different age groups as well as various likings. There are kids' games, biking and motor racing and a huge range of other kinds of games that cater to the interests of different types of people.

To play flash games of various kinds, you can easily log onto any of the popular gaming websites available on the Internet. The awesome and digitally designed graphics and the advanced quality of the sound present in these games will delight your senses to make every gaming experience one of its kinds. No wonder, these flash games are extremely popular among all the online gamers around the world.

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How Can You Manage Your Time - Online Success Tips

Your online success will depend highly on your ability to manage time. Most people starting in this business still have day jobs. Because of this, you must plan your day carefully in order to make significant progress. Assuming that you are still working, let's map your extra time.

If you sleep eight hours a night you only have sixteen left. Your job requires ten hours as you add preparation and travel time. You will then spent three hours per day with family and handling practical matters. With all of this said, most people only have three hours daily to run their online business. This is why proper time management is essential to your success. Here are a few things you can do to maximize your time.

1. Give yourself an extra hour by sleeping seven hours a night instead of eight.

Seven hours is enough sleep for most people. Waking up early will give you a competitive edge.

2. Set a specific time for leisure.

You will spent too much time at leisure if you don't schedule for it. I would recommend spending an hour at most for relaxation.

3. It is beneficial to set up a system.

The key is to do things at the same time daily. You set up a system of writing or networking every day at a certain time. Soon this will become automatic and it will be easier to work. This will allow you to do more in the same amount of time.

4. Maximize every second available.

Pay attention to the five or ten minutes in between activities. You could be waiting for a client for example. These small segments of time add up. Successful people use all of their time in a productive manner.

5. Get off your smart phone!

Your phone can be your biggest asset. However, it is also your biggest enemy. Most people are using their extra time to check Facebook, twitter, and to play games. It would be smarter to use your phone to read books, manage money, prepare business proposals and other productive things.

There is a great question to ask yourself before participating in any activity. "Am I doing something that has redeemable value?" In other words, are your actions in alignment with your goals? If not, then the action is a complete waste of time. You will be successful if you have the discipline to follow these principles.

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Are Time Wasters Sucking Your Profits Away?

Hear that? That's your profits going down the drain due to digital time wasters. These are online sites and media that suck us in and keep us hostage from focusing on more profitable endeavors. Digital time wasters include social bookmarking sites like Reddit, 9Gag and StumbleUpon, as well as some things we think are a  productive use of time like email, Twitter and Facebook.

But what often happens is we get on one of these sites, and before you realize it, you've consumed hours of your time - and you didn't even realize you got distracted.

But now is the time to get control of these time wasters. Just follow these five steps.

Step 1: Identify the Cause

Which digital time wasters are your biggest time sinks? The answer varies from person to person. Some people browse from joke to joke on 9gag, while others incessantly check email every hour. Some people spend far too much time on Facebook, while others are hooked on Pinterest.

Whatever it is for you, start by observing your own behaviors and identifying your biggest culprits.

Step 2: Set Specific Times to Check Them

The goal isn't to eliminate the browsing of these sites. Instead, the goal is to limit the checking of these sites to a manageable amount that doesn't distract from your day to day activities. Set a few specific times to check these sites. For example, you might check Facebook once before work, once at noon and after work as much as you like. Or you might check Reddit only once a day, at night.

I personally use my 'waiting' time to access these sites: when I wait for the school bus to arrive with my kids, when I am waiting for the teapot to boil, when I am waiting at a doctor's office. (You get the idea!)

Step 3: Let the World Know

The decision to stop these time wasters becomes much more powerful when you let the world know. Let your peers,virtual assistants, and your Facebook friends know that you'll no longer be checking email (or whatever site you chose) every hour.

People will help hold you accountable and make sure that you don't waste undue time on these sites.

Step 4: Block the Sites

This fourth step is optional. For people who have trouble with self-control and eliminating distractions of their own accord, one option is to simply block your computer from being able to access these sites. This works best for purely entertainment sites like Reddit or StumbleUpon, rather than facilities that you also need for work like email.

Step 5: Review and Improve

How has your productivity been since you implemented these changes? Take a look at your results after week one and see what happened.

Ask yourself: Is this sustainable? Can you keep your digital time wasters at this amount forever, or do you feel like you're being overly strict? On the flip side, do you think you need to be even stricter to achieve maximum productivity?

Remember, it takes 21 days to change a habit, so keep at it for the best results.

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