Monday, April 9, 2012

How to Have Financial Security While Travelling Abroad

More times than not credit cards make travelling the world much easier. I know when I travelled throughout North Africa; I always had a credit card as a backup form of payment. There is not a need to deal with travelers cheques, exchange large amounts of money, or wearing that annoying fanny pack, which clearly labels you as a tourist. But the simplicity of credit cards should not be overlooked as consumers can find themselves in a leap of financial trouble.

First, I recommend calling your financial institution and letting them know where/when you will be travelling. If you forget to call your financial institution, there is a high chance the bank will automatically block your card. This usually is an attempt to block any fraudulent transactions. Once the bank has been notified, they can adjust your account and allow you to use your card without any provocation.

Credit cards generally charge a fee, which is known as a foreign transaction fee. These fees generally hover around 3 percent and can add up quite quickly once you factor in all the miscellaneous items you will be purchasing. You may think this fee only applies to purchases made in foreign currency, but in recent times credit card companies are assessing the fee on any international purchase. So even if you are travelling in a country who lists their prices in US dollars, there is a chance you will still be assessed a fee. The best way to avoid these fees is to have a reserve amount of cash on hand, which can be used to for small knick-knack gifts. Save the credit card for big purchases, such as dinners, hotels, or expensive excursions.

It is a prudent idea to have a digital image of your credit card. You could scan a copy to a flash drive, snap a photo on your Smart Phone, or store in a similar fashion on your tablet. This is helpful in the event you lose your card, need to call the bank in a pinch, or are not carrying your credit cards but still want to make payment.

If you are travelling in some European countries, they utilize a smart card or pin encrypted credit card. This card has an extra layer of security, which may contain a microchip or an extra PIN number, which must be entered to complete the transaction. Most European countries do accept US credit cards, but beware there are exceptions especially for automatic vending machines. By vending machine, I do not mean a machine which will disperse chips, but some train kiosks issue tickets via a vending machine. It sure beats going to the window!

Always, always, always carry a back up card! This card should ONLY be used in extreme cases. I highly recommend having this back up card associated with a different bank then the rest of your cards. When I was in Algeria, my two primary cards were cancelled because they were linked with the same bank. I was forced to use my back up card and was very happy that it was associated with a different bank.

Lastly, it is important to diversify your payments by using your different credit cards. In addition you should always have a small amount of reserve cash just in case things go awry with your cards. In case you lose your cards you should make a note of the various toll free numbers, your personal banker, or a service center. This way a card can be quickly cancelled and a replacement card placed in the mail. In the meantime use your cash to get by.

Follow these handy tips for financial security while travelling abroad and you can focus more on enjoying the fun, then what is happening at the banks. Remember, it is a vacation!!

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to Sleep Well While Traveling

Sleep is something that if you don't get enough can have serious side-effects on the body, short-term as well as long-term. Our sleep-timings and schedule are often disturbed while traveling, leaving us all cranky and energy-deprived! Find out how to sleep well while traveling in this article.
Sleep is often an underestimated aspect of health. Being sleep-deprived can have serious consequences on your mental and physical health. One of the times sleep is unavoidably affected is when you are traveling. Traveling present the perfect kind of scenario to ruin your sleep! First the fact that you are not in your bed, under your covers (and perhaps in the arms of your sweetheart!); on top of that you are traveling. How does one avoid insomnia under such circumstances? I am here to tell you just that!

Sleeping Well While Traveling

The kind of clothes you wear while sleeping affect your body movements and hence your sleep. At home you can wear night-wear. But wearing night-wear on a flight can be rather awkward. Look for comfortable alternatives. You can wear track pants and a loose t-shirt. You may even done yourself in a pair of shorts if they make you feel more comfortable than track pants. Do not wear thick or tight clothing while sleeping - it is important that your body be able to breathe. If you are finicky about your feet, then wear socks. The basic key here is to wear clothes you are most comfortable and relaxed in.

For Men: I am not a sexist, but honestly - it is so much easier for you guys! You can wear just about anything; and I mean it when I say anything! 
For Women: One important tip would be to carry a set of undergarments that you would be comfortable sleeping in. If you are absolutely not okay with wearing undergarments while sleeping, then I would suggest you go for a plus-sized t-shirt, or you can layer up - wearing a camisole inside a t-shirt can help. Another option would be to not wear undergarments, but then to keep a jacket or a sweater at hand. Once you wake up, you can quickly go into the washroom and wear your inners.

This is one things we all dearly miss while traveling, for it is rather difficult to carry a pillow along with your luggage! Some alternatives to a pillow include an inflatable pillow. All you have to do is blow it up! One more option could be to use a soft handbag stuffed with clothes that you don't mind getting crumpled. You could also roll a bedspread into a makeshift pillow. 

Some airlines provide the passengers with a blanket, so you won't have to worry about it. But it is always better to check on this before you board - you don't want to be cold and shivering on the plane! The best alternative to a blanket would be a shawl - especially a warm Pashmina (Cashmere) shawl. They are very light-weight, easy to carry, occupy almost no space in the bag, and are very very warm indeed! If you do not want to carry a blanket, then remember to pack clothes accordingly. 

Music and/or Books
Many people have the habit of reading books or listening to music before they go to sleep. It would be a good idea to carry the same with you while traveling. If you are used to reading some spiritual book before sleeping, nothing like it. That kind of stuff soothes the mind and calms you down and helps you relax before you go to bed. Same effect can be brought upon by some good soothing music, especially instrumental songs. You might be required to switch your phones off, so it would be advisable not to carry your music on the phone. If your phone is equipped with the facility of turning it onto the airplane mode, you are good to go. 

Meditation and Deep Breathing
Meditation is probably one of the best things you can ever do to your mind and body. Many people like to meditate before they go to bed; it helps them feel rejuvenated when hey get up. Meditation can also give you worry-free, peaceful sleep. If you are a light sleeper, this can be very important. Deep breathing also works wonders - I speak from personal experience. Deep breathing is when you block out all thoughts, and concentrate only and only on your breathing. You observe your breathing pattern, listen to the air enter and leave your body. It has an amazing effect. If you are not very fond of meditation, deep breathing may serve the same purpose. 

Eat Healthy and Eat Less
It is advisable to eat less while you are traveling. It helps you overcome motion-sickness, and it also helps you sleep better. Also make sure you eat healthy food. Avoid eating salad and raw food, as more energy is consumed to digest them. Eat something that is light on the stomach. At the same time, avoid eating junk food and oily foodstuffs. They make you uneasy, especially if you consume them just before sleeping. Also avoid consuming beverages like coffee - they are sure to drive your sleep away!

Sleeping Pills
This is a rather controversial topic. Sleeping pills should be your last resort. If in spite of taking care about all the above things you are unable to sleep well, only then would I advise you to consult a doctor and ask him/her about medication available to take care of your travel-insomnia. The simple reason to be so careful about this is that one may become habituated to taking pills and depend on them so heavily that sleeping in one's own house without popping a pill becomes difficult; and that is never a good thing to happen. It is hence best to consult your physician before you decide to consume sleeping pills. On the other hand, you can go for sleeping pills alternatives that may just do the trick without taking the risk

Sleep is something that is more or less compromised on when we are traveling around for pleasure or work. But with the above easy to follow tips, I am sure you are bound to get a good night's sleep, no matter where you are! Hope you sleep like a baby! Sweet dreams!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

How To Meditate for Beginners - The Easiest Way To Meditate Today

Looking for how to meditate for beginners tips to get your started and experience the wonderful joys of meditation? Whether you are new to meditation or struggling to enter a deep state of meditation, I am going to show how you can turn things around and make meditation a part of your life.

The ancient art of meditation has been practice by many cultures for centuries.  Meditation is more than simply deep relaxation it is a life changing practice that can help elevate stress, anxiety, depression and bring inner peace.  Practicing meditation is a life long journey with so many fantastic rewards that you may not be aware of.  

By silencing your conscious mind and letting go of all your daily stress and worry you can quickly feel rejuvenated mentally and physically. Let's look at the easy way to learn how to meditate for beginners.

The most common technique to learn how to meditate for beginners is the focused breathing method.  With this method you are made to sit or lay comfortably while focusing on the sound of your breathing.  Close your eyes and turn your attention to your breathing and keep your breathing at a constant pace.

While focused on your breathing you may have random thoughts suddenly put into your mind, simply brush them aside and return to sound of your breathing.  

As your conscious mind begins let go you will feel your body relaxing and may experience tingling sensations, you are getting deep into you relaxation. Let this wonderful, relaxing feeling spread across your whole body.

The Easiest Method To Meditate Today:

The most popular and by far the most effective method used to learn how to meditate for beginners is the use of binaural beats and sounds.  Modern technology has helped the ancient practice of meditation by producing sounds that effect various brain waves that allow you to relax and silence your conscious mind fast.

These beats are typically mixed in with beautiful sounds such "nature sounds" that make you unaware of their effects until you find yourself completely relaxed and in a meditative state.  

All you need to do is put on the audio and wear a pair of headphones while lying or sitting comfortable, the binaural beats will provide the stimulus required for your mind and body to completely relax. Learning how to meditate for beginners has become a lot easier!

These binaural beats are completely safe and are used by millions of people for different applications such as improved concentration, improved mood, reducing stress and anxiety fast.


Increase your Psychic Awarness

Any form of ‘Psychic Awareness' allows the person possessing it to see and sense events beyond what is immediately occurring around us, or what is ‘Obvious'. It is thus sometimes referred to as ‘extra sensory perception', a virtual extension of our usual sensory prowess. 
Everyone poses certain amount of Psychic Awareness or Ability. The only difference between them and regular Psychics is based on the level of trust they have on their capacity. A number of us clearly confess having a certain amount of intuitive capacity, but very few of those claiming to poses it project enough to trust their intuition entirely. 
Our brain is regularly flooded with various sorts of images and information. The brain processes these information and assigns them meanings according to past experiences of the individual. Therefore, obviously enough, a number of information or images are not assigned any such meaning, basically due to the lack of the individuals past experience regarding the matter. The brain will also give priority to things which might affect the individual's survival over all else, so if there is something particularly hot or cold or potentially harmful around you that's what you will be informed about before you are let to know about the cute guy who is passing along. Only after these fundamental information have been dealt with will the brain try processing the more ‘subtle sensory input'. However, such a point, at which the less understood information is tagged, may or may not be reached at all. 
Certain people, people we call Psychics are accustomed to decoding such sensory inputs more frequently than regular people like you or me. This extra ability to deal with most information that they gain access to is what we term as Psychic Ability.

Various Types of Psychic Abilities 
You must have of course been bombarded with the names of various Psychic Abilities to have a bit of Psychic-oriented-vocabulary by now, thanks to the ever-growing influence of the television and the media. Our kids today rattle of names like Psycho-kinesis, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Clairvoyance etc. as easily as they munch their fries. But that is not to say that our awareness about any of these abilities have been developing holistically. Most of us use these terms, sadly enough, to appear learned. Our attempt at this point is to wade through any such scholarly pretence and to instead just acquaint ourselves with basic concepts. 
Our Psychic Abilities are determined by the various chakras in our body. In all there are about 7 chakras located around our spine. The work of the chakras has often been compared to the aperture of a camera, the more they open up the broader our view becomes. Although there are 7 chakras in all not all of them are connected to gaining Psychic Awareness. In the following section we will only be focusing on a few of those chakras, which contribute, to our psychic abilities.
Let's take the 2nd Chakra first. The second Chakra allows us the potential of Clairsentient. This psychic ability helps you feel things at a very personal level, much like Diana Troy of the Star Trek series. Thus they are also sometimes referred to as ‘Empaths' in the sense that they are literally empathetic individuals, they feel exactly what others experience. 
The 5th chakra grants us the power of Clairaudience or the potential to hear information. We always receive various guiding notes by a certain ‘inner voice' with in us; this inner voice is essentially the information, which we receive at a Clairaudient level. 
Clairvoyance is a rare Psychic capacity to literally ‘see' images in one's own head. This unique power, allowed by the 6th Chakra, has often been referred to as the ‘third eye', indicating the insight it allows us. 
The 7th chakra grants us the power to ‘Know'. This power of ‘Knowing' allows you a rather illogical knowledge of things around you, without letting you in on the secret as to how you know about them. The 7th chakra is located right at the top of your head and thus the information it has access to is not allowed to the other chakras in the other parts of the body.
Any sort of Psychic Ability, whether acquired or inherent is a gift, which must be exercised in, order to keep it effective. A number of us are dissuaded even frightened to make use of capacities, which we soon realize we possess. Being a Psychic or possessing such abilities is not ‘inhuman' but rather ‘extra-human', if such a word may be allowed. All of us have Psychic experiences. It is for us to recognize them and nurture them the way we would nurture a talent in singing or dancing. Ultimately this is a capacity, which allows us insight and a chance to help others, as well as our own selves.


How Meditation Can Help Us Alleviate Our Fears, Anxieties and Worries

When you meditate, the key of meditation is to focus on your breath because that is the only thing happening right here, right now.  You may have a mantra, a prayer word, visualize or use a guided meditation, but the key to any meditation is to be in the here and the now.

Our mind typically centers on the past and the future.  As you meditate your mind quiets down and begins to focus on one thing only, the here and the now.  Right here in the now, there are no concepts, no fears, and no anxieties to worry about.  Those fears and worries come when our minds are working, going from the past to the future, thinking about what has been and what could be.  When we make our minds quiet and be in the here and the now, these fears and worries go away.  That's one of the beautiful things about meditation, you are in the here and the now without the concepts that you have created that cause fears and worries in your mind.  It gives you a respite from all these worries, anxieties and fears we experience throughout the day.

Besides meditating your worries and fears away, you can practice being in the present all the time.  If you are in the here and the now you are just thinking and focusing on the one thing you are doing at that moment.  You're keeping the thoughts of the past and future from entering your mind.  If you get up and wash the dishes, you simply just wash the dishes; if you sit down to write someone an e-mail you just concentrate on writing that e-mail.  Of course, during these times thoughts will arise, but living a true meditative life is one that when these thoughts arise you get back to being present with "what is" and focus on that and nothing more.  A lot of people worry that if you keep pushing these thoughts, these fears and anxieties aside and ignoring them you won't get anything accomplished; however, the exact opposite is true.  Highly successful people are able to get lots done while "working in the zone".  I talk about this more in depth in my book/ebook Success Beyond Your Imagination – Working in the "Zone".

The message I'm trying to get across is that you must be present in whatever it is that you are doing right now.  For example if you are a surgeon and you are in surgery, you concentrate and are 100% present with your surgical instruments and procedure.  If you are a police officer and have other people's lives in your hands you must be totally present in what you are doing or people could die.  Of course, not all of us have these types of responsibilities and have much more mundane lives that do not really require constant attention and focus.  This is why we often allow our minds to wander and not be present with what's happening right now.  If you go back to your meditation you go back to your mantra; similarly when your mind wanders in your every day life and allows you to worry you just go back to what's happening right now.  Don't get upset that you've allowed your mind to stray but instead just come back to focusing on the here and now.  Keeping those thoughts of the past and future from entering into the present will keep those fears, worries and anxieties from stressing your life.


5 Tips to Becoming a Work From Home Success

"I'm ready." You say. "I'm ready to do this work from home thing." I can see the glimmer of fear in your eyes, hear the slight shake in your voice.

It is o.k. I understand, you see, several years ago, I was where you are right now. My job got outsourced to a foreign country and I was faced with taking a demotion...starting all over again...or really giving working online a shot.

Hmmm...that was a while ago, looking back. 2007, it was. I didn't make my first dime until almost six months later. Since then, I've never really looked back.

When I remember how scary it was, to take such a risk, when I had so very much to lose, I sat down and decided to write you this list of 5 tips that will put you well on your way to becoming a work from home success story.

1. Set a Work Schedule and Stick to it.
This might sound overly simple, or obvious, but for those staying home for the first time, with no boss to motivate them, the basics are necessary to a strong foundation. Whether you are working in your spare time or full-time, once your set your schedule, try to focus your attention only on building your business during that time.

On the flip side, be sure to give yourself some down-time. It might seem like the longer you work the sooner you will achieve your goals, but, the opposite is often true. A tired mind makes mistakes. Mistakes can cost you time and money that you may not have in abundance.

2. Be Organized.
You will be glad you took the time to set up dated files when you have to search through 500 documents for one you wrote 6 months ago. If you have multiple clients, make a separate file for each one. When you need to invite a large group of potential partners, create a spreadsheet to simplify the task.

Another area to focus on is your time. If you have given yourself 4 hours a day to work on your business, you want to ensure that you get the highest return on that investment of time. What tasks will give you that result? Make sure you do them first.

3. Know what Motivates You
As time passes, you may find it harder and harder to keep yourself at a task. Do not let yourself be one of the thousands of business owners who quit right as they are on the brink of the "true" success that they desire.

The way to overcome this is to remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place. For some it is to prove themselves...others want...need...the financial rewards...and more do it for a loved one. Why ever you do it; keep reminding yourself when things get tough.

4. Know what Motivates Others

With this at the front of your mind, your message will come across loud and clear.

* What do your customers want? 
* What do your partners want?

Answer these two questions for your business. This is what you need to give them to achieve the success that you desire.


Know and Budget Your Resources.
Time. Money. Assistance. If you have more of one resource than another, use it to gain what you need.

For example: Joann has a $50 a month budget and only 32 hours to work...she might decide to use what is left after paying her bills to buy an article pack with Private Label rights, to save her time for other tasks.


Steve has just enough to cover operating costs and is willing to work as much as necessary...he's pulled an all-nighter before. He might choose to spend long hours garnering free traffic by clicking at manual traffic exchanges while he email-markets to his list to bring in revenue.


Sherry has her business running on auto-pilot, she just needs to get things done in a timely manner. She might choose to spend some of her time and money to hire an assistant to see to the tasks.

Your situation will be specific to you. Take a bit of time to decide what you have and how you can use it to get what you need.

5. Run Your Business Like a Business.
You are not only the one answering the phone and the email and the hundred of messages on are also a business owner. This means setting up processes for getting things done as well as the doing of them.

When the phone rings, how do you answer it?

* Have you considered your company branding? 
* Do you sound professional? 
* What message will the caller get from your greeting?

Start Developing your company culture even if you operate alone. Larger businesses will respect you and smaller ones will look up to you. And when you are ready to expand to include others, your legitimacy will be firmly established.

These are my top 5 tips to follow, though I know that there are many others that are of value to a new or even established work from home business owner. They cover all of your basic groundwork so you can focus on growing your business the way you envision it.

So take a deep breath and go for it. You can be well on your way to becoming the next work from home success story.

About the author: Karen Gross is an article writer for the Affiliate Work Home resource web site. She has worked from home since 2007 and loves to share what she has learned with others. Please visit our web site to access the Free Marketing Membership & Newsletter.

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Time Management Tips - Empowered Compassion Actually Creates New Opportunities

Time management tips possess power to shake up your life, if you're willing to challenge yourself. Here's how to stretch for success.

Embrace Opposites to Welcome Challenge
Dramatic quality of life improvements can't be tacked onto the end of an unexamined day, like the tail in a childhood game of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". Approaching things the same way you have for years will reliably give you... the same.

One of the most potent transformations embrace opposites. Then you create a new fusion of potentials. Empowered Compassion™ is such a concept.

Combine Yielding And Forcefulness
Tender and strong... This echoes the flow in your life when you take new risks, building from a base of solid inner balance.

Accepting yourself as you truly are, you pace yourself realistically.
Rejecting a veneer of false confidence, you open yourself to learn as you go.
Genuine self-empowerment embraces both realism and compassion. Your humanity and sensitivity are the basis of your strength. You easily and graciously refuse to be put on a pedestal or to take on superhuman challenges.

Engage Your Imagination
New ideas must move you deeply to change your life. What images arise when you hear the words, Empowered Compassion? Do you see yourself growing to meet a wider range of opportunities?

Exploring how you can bring Empowered Compassion into your life awakens potential. For a minute or two in the morning, before you enter the busiest part of the day, meditate on fresh possibilities. See yourself relating with Empowered Compassion in a situation you currently find stressful. What changes?

Allow Yin And Yang To Join Forces
As mentioned, Empowered Compassion derives its strength from its underlying paradox. Because Empowered Compassion embodies yin and yang - acceptance and striving - inhaling and exhaling, it's applicable almost everywhere.

Empowerment is the masculine, or yang, component. When you empower yourself, your core strengths keep you upright yet flexible, like toned core muscles.

You are defined and focused. Your boundaries protect the hours of your day as a force field of intentionality.
You know that solving problems supports your evolution.
You find pleasure in creating large and small goals.
You remain realistic and alert to life's constant changes.
Compassion is the feminine, receptive yin. It's extremely helpful to notice how it enhances your strength just as much as the yang - but in very different ways. Here are some examples:

Compassion provides a natural antidote to perfectionism. Self-acceptance overpowers a swarm of perfectionist pests like fearful people-pleasing, procrastination, and over-polishing work. Think of how that can free up both your energy and your time!
Because compassion sees and accepts everything without judging or punishing, it becomes easier for you to befriend and learn from mistakes. So you approach challenges with curiosity rather than fear.
Your empathy towards yourself and others helps you to create and maintain a balanced perspective.
To create opportunities that are big enough to engage you, call on all your strengths that lead to Empowered Compassion.

And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit. It includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format, this powerful and practical time template will help you progress beyond disappointment and frustration and discover that 24 hours really are enough! Claim your free gift here:

Offered by Paula Eder, Ph.D. The Time Finder Expert.
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Time management

Developing time management skills is a journey
that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way.

One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time
as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies
in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc.

First: try our exercise in time management:
How do you spend your time each day?

Strategies on using time:
These applications of time management have proven to be effective as good study habits.

As we go through each strategy, jot down an idea of what each will look like for you:

Blocks of study time and breaks
As your school term begins and your course schedule is set, develop and plan for, blocks of study time in a typical week. Blocks ideally are around 50 minutes, but perhaps you become restless after only 30 minutes? Some difficult material may require more frequent breaks. Shorten your study blocks if necessary-but don't forget to return to the task at hand! What you do during your break should give you an opportunity to have a snack, relax, or otherwise refresh or re-energize yourself. For example, place blocks of time when you are most productive: are you a morning person or a night owl?
Jot down one best time block you can study. How long is it? What makes for a good break for you? Can you control the activity and return to your studies?

Dedicated study spaces
Determine a place free from distraction (no cell phone or text messaging!) where you can maximize your concentration and be free of the distractions that friends or hobbies can bring! You should also have a back-up space that you can escape to, like the library, departmental study center, even a coffee shop where you can be anonymous. A change of venue may also bring extra resources.
What is the best study space you can think of? What is another?

Weekly reviews
Weekly reviews and updates are also an important strategy. Each week, like a Sunday night, review your assignments, your notes, your calendar. Be mindful that as deadlines and exams approach, your weekly routine must adapt to them!
What is the best time in a week you can review?

Prioritize your assignments
When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. You'll be fresh, and have more energy to take them on when you are at your best. For more difficult courses of study, try to be flexible: for example, build in reaction time when you can get feedback on assignments before they are due.
What subject has always caused you problems?

Achieve "stage one"--get something done!
The Chinese adage of the longest journey starting with a single step has a couple of meanings: First, you launch the project! Second, by starting, you may realize that there are some things you have not planned for in your process. Details of an assignment are not always evident until you begin the assignment. Another adage is that "perfection is the enemy of good", especially when it prevents you from starting! Given that you build in review, roughly draft your idea and get going! You will have time to edit and develop later.
What is a first step you can identify for an assignment to get yourself started?

Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done!
Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until your school work is finished! 
This can be the most difficult challenge of time management. As learners we always meet unexpected opportunities that look appealing, then result in poor performance on a test, on a paper, or in preparation for a task. Distracting activities will be more enjoyable later without the pressure of the test, assignment, etc. hanging over your head. Think in terms of pride of accomplishment. Instead of saying "no" learn to say "later".
What is one distraction that causes you to stop studying?

Identify resources to help you
Are there tutors? An expert friend? Have you tried a keyword search on the Internet to get better explanations? Are there specialists in the library that can point you to resources? What about professionals and professional organizations. Using outside resources can save you time and energy, and solve problems.
Write down three examples for that difficult subject above? 
Be as specific as possible.

Use your free time wisely
Think of times when you can study "bits" as when walking, riding the bus, etc. Perhaps you've got music to listen to for your course in music appreciation, or drills in language learning? If you are walking or biking to school, when best to listen? Perhaps you are in a line waiting? Perfect for routine tasks like flash cards, or if you can concentrate, to read or review a chapter. The bottom line is to put your time to good use.
What is one example of applying free time to your studies?

Review notes and readings just before class
This may prompt a question or two about something you don't quite understand, to ask about in class, or after. It also demonstrates to your teacher that you are interested and have prepared.
How would you make time to review?
Is there free time you can use?

Review lecture notes just after class
Then review lecture material immediately after class.
The first 24 hours are critical. Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review!
How would you do this?
Is there free time you can use?

Select one of the ten applications above.
and develop a new study habit! 
Try something you have a good chance of following through and accomplishing. 
Nothing succeeds like a first successful try!

Try the University of Minnesota's Assignment Calculator

Develop criteria for adjusting your schedule
to meet both your academic and non-academic needs

Effective aids:
Create a simple "To Do" list
This simple program will help you identify a few items, the reason for doing them, a timeline for getting them done, and then printing this simple list and posting it for reminders.
Daily/weekly planner
Write down appointments, classes, and meetings on a chronological log book or chart.
If you are more visual, sketch out your schedule
First thing in the morning, check what's ahead for the day
always go to sleep knowing you're prepared for tomorrow
Long term planner
Use a monthly chart so that you can plan ahead.
Long term planners will also serve as a reminder to constructively plan time for yourself


Expressing Condolences and Sympathy

When offering condolences about a plight that befalls a relative, friend or acquaintance, it is kind to pray for the dead. Say a prayer similar to that reported by Muslim to have been articulated by Messenger (PBUH) to Umm Salamah (RA) at the death of her husband: ‘O Allah, forgive Abi Salamah, elevate his status among the guided people, and look afterthe family that he left behind. O Lord of the universe, forgive us and him, comfort him in his grave, and lighten his stay.’

Your conversation with anguished persons should be aimed at mitigating their agony by mentioning the reward of patience, the transitory nature of life on earth, and that the Hereafter is everlasting life.

In this respect, it is desirable to reiterate certain verses of the Quran, the sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) or some of the well-spoken condolences of our ancestors. You may mention the saying of Allah SWT: ‘But give glad tidings to those who patiently endure, who say, when afflicted with calamity: To Allah we belong and to Him we return. They are those on whom [descend] blessings from their Lord, and mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance.’4 Or you may quote another verse from the Quran: ‘Every soul shall have a taste of death and only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only those who are saved far from the fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object [of life], for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.’ And such are Allah’s words: ‘All that is on earth will perish. But Allah will abide [for ever], the face of your Lord, most gracious, and most generous.’

You may mention some of sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) reported by Muslim and others: ‘Oh Allah, reward my calamity and replace my loss with a better one.’ And like the saying of Prophet (PBUH) reported by Bukhari and Muslim: ‘It is Allah’s that takes and it is He that gives, and He prescribes a certain destiny for every matter.’ Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported that when the Prophet (PBUH) mourned the death of his son Ibrahim he said: ‘My eyes are tearful. My heart is full of anguish, but we will say only what pleases our Lord. O Ibrahim, your loss filled us with sorrow.’ Also, it is very appropriate in this regard to use some of the traditional sayings of the Muslim forefathers. Omar bin Al-Khattab used to say: ‘Everyday we are told that so and so has just died. One day it will be said, ‘Omar has died.’ ‘ You may allude to the saying of the just Caliph Omar ibn Abdul Aziz (RA): ‘A person who is not separated from Adam by a living father, is indeed deep-rooted in death.’

The honoured follower Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: ‘Oh son of Adam, you are nothing but mere days. Whenever a day passes away: a part of you passes away.’ He also said: ‘Allah ordained that the ultimate resting place of believers will be paradise, no less.’ His student Malik ibn Dinar said: ‘The wedding of the one who fears Allah, is the Day of Judgment.’ A poet said:

Passing the days we are content
Passing a day brings us near the end

Another poet said:

Offering condolences, we trust not living long
The manners of this religion we follow along
The consoled and the consoling may live today
Tomorrow though, they ‘ll vanish away.
A suitable poem in this regard:
We die and live every night and day
One day we will die and move away

Another poem describes how oblivious humans can be to death:

Life is but a ship afloat
We think it’s still, but running is the boat

I have quoted all these appropriate mourning quotations because I have witnessed many inappropriate conversations and talks by people offering sympathy. Mourning hearts are depressed with anguish and sorrow. Be sensitive and select a suitable topic for your conversation.

Attempt to lift the spirits of the bereaved family. The great scholar, Mansour bin Zazan said, ‘Sorrow and sadness will increase rewards.’ Al-Hassan Al-Basri pointed out that this painful state will gradually pass away, but our sins will remain with us forever. He said, ‘Every sad anguish will diminish, except anguish over sins.’ The great scholar, Ata bin Abi Muslim pointed out that life is full of challenges and events. ‘A believer would not be happy for one complete day.’

9.4 Sending Flowers and Reading Quran during Funerals
It should be noted that many people at the death of a dear person will bring flowers and wreaths and after proceeding with the funeral, will take the flowers and wreaths to the home of the deceased. They buy the best flowers and wreaths to show their deep sympathy and concern. To do this is forbidden – whether presenting it at the funeral, accompanying the funeral with it, or bringing it to the deceased’s house. This is an imitation of non-Muslims, and is an evil innovation which should be strictly avoided. Those who do such a thing will have no reward from Allah. To the contrary, they will be questioned for such meaningless waste.

Another misguided innovation during funerals is that the car that carries the deceased will broadcast, through speakers, a recording of the Holy Qur’an as if announcing the passing away of the deceased. The funeral procession should be characterized by thoughtfulness, humbleness, remembrance, reflection, awareness of Allah, and prayers for mercy. No sad music or religious chant should accompany funerals. These two rules should be followed and spread around to make Muslims aware of the right way.

A Final Word
This is a collection of Islamic manners that form the etiquette of our pious Muslim predecessors. I introduced it in a clear and understandable way so that you may practice it. The best place to follow these manners is at your house and the houses of your brothers. Do not overlook these etiquettes when dealing with your family and your Muslim brethren.

Your immediate family and friends are the most deserving of your good conduct and manners. In this regard, Bukhari and Muslim reported that a man asked the Prophet (PBUH): ‘Oh, Prophet of Allah, who deserves my best behaviour? The Prophet answered: ‘Your mother! Your mother! Your mother! Then your father, then the closer, and the closer among your relatives.’

Do not overlook these manners when interacting with the appropriate people, and act nicely and amicably with others. If you do not behave properly, you degrade yourself, abuse the duty that you are entrusted with, and abandon the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Rely on Allah to attain His pleasures and the manners of His religion, for it is He who protects the virtuous people.

May Allah protect you, your relatives and your beloved ones. May Allah help you obey His orders, remain obedient to Him, and follow the example of His Prophet. May Allah grant you His love, grace and His generosity. May Allah pray upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, his family and his companions. All praise to Allah, the Lord of the universe. Ameen.

This was written in the hope of receiving your prayers.

from the book ISLAMIC MANNERS
By Shaykh Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddah (RA)


The Seven Branch Menorah - Symbol of the Jewish Faith

The 7-branch menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith. It is found mostly in temples and synagogues, often up front as an item by itself, and also as a design in stained glass windows, ceilings & wall murals, paintings, sculptures, and more. Interestingly, increasingly some churches also have seven branch menorahs in their sanctuaries to remind them of the menorah that once stood in the Temple in Jerusalem. Although, this should not be such a surprise bearing in mind the menorah's place in the Hebrew scriptures and the role of the Old Testament in the life of the church & Christian.

In addition, menorahs are popular as display items in both Jewish & Christian homes, and can also be found in schools, museums, art galleries just to mention a few. Unlike the 9-branch hanukkah menorah, the 7-branch menorah has no Shamash (servant), and it has just seven branches; that is because the purpose of the 9-branch hanukkah menorah is to remember the miracle of the oil at hanukkah, whereas the 7-branch menorah is a symbol of the Jewish faith and was always present in the Temple when it stood in Jerusalem.

The 7-branch menorah is made according to the commandment in Exodus 25:31-40. Priests would light it every evening and clean it every morning. Jewish sages teach that this menorah was the vessel that G-d used to blend the spiritual life that is to come with the physical life of this world. Ultimately, the purpose of this menorah is not to illuminate the temple but to spread its light throughout the world. It is a symbol of the nation of Israel and it is a physical reminder of the commandment in Isaiah 42:6 to be a light to the nations. This commandment, given originally to the people of Israel, is often used by Christians to justify the requirement upon them to spread their faith and the gospel, hence, again, the significance of the menorah for them again.

The 7-branch menorah can be of any size. For example, one of the largest menorahs stands in front of the gates to the Knesset building in Jerusalem. It was erected as a reminder of the indestructibility of the Jewish people; a truth that has borne true time and time again despite persecution, wars, and even assimilation. It was the 7-branch menorah that was lit after the Maccabees had their victory and rededicated the Temple, and the oil they found that was only enough to burn for one day actually lasted for eight while more oil was being made and consecrated.

The seven branch menorahs found today can be lit with oil or candles (special glass oil containers with special wics are required for oil burning), and there are even some that are electric; in addition, they can be of any size, ranging from 4" to over 4 feet. There are various styles of menorahs, with the more popular being the "Large Cups Menorah" which is considered closest to that found in the Temple long ago, the "12 Tribes Menorah" which carries the symbols of each of the 12 tribes of Israel, and various contemporary designs. Many of these menorahs are made in India, so ask before you buy because there is a big difference in quality, weight, and how they are made!


Chinese Zodiac Compatibility : Tiger and Dragon

Very Good
The Tiger-Dragon pairing is a good one because both are adventurous and free-spirited. The Dragon of course is more careful of the two. Both enjoy having spirited arguments and love adventure. Their home life may be very chaotic because of this but there is love overall.

Tiger Personality
The Tiger just like the animal counterpart is fierce less and known for bravery. They are very competitive and can get very aggressive when challenged. They are also very charismatic so people generally find it hard to say no to them. Because of this reason watch out, when you are up against a Tiger personality. 

Tigers are very restless. They are constantly looking for the next mountain cross and when they cannot cross the mountain they can get very depressed, isolated and miserable. Tigers have good leadership abilities and they may excel in managing and leading positions. They can be very proud and charismatic leaders, good strategists and always work with a hidden agenda.

Tigers are like magnets. Friends love to surround them because of the confidence they exude. Tigers are very passionate and romantic. They enjoy sex and life. 

Because Tigers have a very restless nature it is very hard to tie them to a routine. 

Dragon Personality
The Dragons are free spirits and are a bundle of energy. Conformance to a rule does not stick well with the Dragon. They are energetic, enthusiastic people who can also be pretty aggressive. The Dragon can see the route in a situation when others see only blind spots. Because of this Dragons can be very good leaders. Going after what they want is part of their nature and they will find ways to overcome obstacles and win in any situation.

Dragons love to do things on a grand scale. They love good food, big gestures, big ideas and live “a la mode”. They love nature and spending time outdoors. They are not big time on home-related activities but they respect and protect their home and family.

Dragons are emotionally very self-sufficient people because of which they are often not disappointed people. Friends and family love them. 

Dragons enjoy decorating their homes. Their imagination and artistic sense usually makes the Dragon’s home look very majestic and expressive. Dragons are also very charitable creatures. Wealth accumulation is not big on their list. But dragons are blessed with a Midas touch that it will hard to see a poor Dragon.


New Residential Scheme In Greater Noida

Noida Real Estate: Luck of the Draw

A new residential scheme for lower and middle income groups has been introduced by the Greater Noida Authority providing 2,256 constructed houses in four different categories, and covering an area of 70, 90, 120 and 250-sq. m. that will be priced at Rs. 12.33-lakh to Rs. 36.48-lakh.

Launched through a lucky draw by the Greater Noida Authority, the allottees lucky enough to win the draw, will be permitted to make additions according to the approved building plan, copies of which are available with Greater Noida's Planning Department, while constructions that do not conform to it, will need to be approved.

While, a 70-sq. m. house in this housing complex will cost Rs. 12.33-lakh, houses measuring 90, 120 and 250-sq. m. are priced at Rs. 14.96, 20.14 and 36.48-lakh respectively. The 250 and 120-sq. m. houses will come with two bedrooms, a drawing, dining, kitchen and bathroom, whereas, those measuring 90 and 70-sq. m. will consist of one bedroom, a drawing room, kitchen and a bathroom.

Housed in Greater Noida's new sector, Omicron near the village Mathurapur and Ghori Bachhera, the housing complex will have a swimming pool, park, community centre, post office, hospital, shopping complex and a parking space.

This time round, the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority has followed a different initiative from its earlier practice of inviting tenders on a two bid system for Group 
Housing Societies in 300-acres for different sectors.

This scheme of the Greater Noida authority provided the developers with an opportunity to participate in the development of a smartly slick city, where at all stages of development, supply precedes demand.

Holding many attractions for buyers and end-users in the form of a constant supply of drinking water, uninterrupted power supply, green areas, proposed metro, airport and world's fourth night safari, this Greater Noida residential scheme saw many participating in the draw.

Further, the permissible area for plots, commercial and commercial facilities is said to be 65% of the total area as per population norms permitted in the master plan of 2021, with the rest to be according to building regulations.

There will also be provision in this housing complex for other facilities, such as, nursery school, senior secondary school, nursing home, convenience shopping, commercial sector, milk booth, auto-taxi stand, secondary shopping and community centre, provided by the developers, while the green belt will be developed according to the authority's zonal plan.


Panic Attacks and Marijuana, K2

If you believe panic episodes are overrated, you haven't searched Google lately on the subject. "Panic attacks" received roughly 15,600,000 search hits and "anxiety attacks" Another 1,790,000. That proves that not only is there a large amount of interest in the subject but just as importantly, many victims of the syndrome. I employ the word syndrome because its cause is mostly psychological as well as relatively "harmless" to the sufferer. 

Its distinct cause is fear, plain and simple. This being asserted , however , it would be culpable to realize that the symptoms are entirely psychosomatic because any amount of panic episodes can be attributed to, enhanced by, or without delay due to the mental reaction to any number of drugs - marijuana included. One approved expert ( whose opinion has been attested by numerous others ) stated, 

"Substance abuse and the withdrawal of the substance being abused can mimic panic attacks. Alcohol, marijuana, opiates, hallucinogens, cocaine, over-the-counter drugs ( nasal sprays and diet tablets ), caffeine and benzodiazepines can all be related to panic attacks."

The presumption that marijuana is the safe drug that "the authorities love to hate" is simply an erroneous presumption. I am not arguing here for continued criminalizing of pot or decriminalization actually, just stating the known facts. 

Though marijuana has some healing qualities,eg increased taste for cancer sufferers, a dulling of pain due to many maladies and its efficacy in combating glaucoma, it argues nothing for the recreational use of the drug. 

Each pot smoker is familiarised with the "superficial" negative effects of the habit. Things like indolence, listlessness, and lets not forget paranoia exhibited by many users. 

The more serious effects that researches have discovered are things such as the negative effect on short term memory. Research has demonstrated that long-term adult users score less on short-term memory tests, as well as demonstrate reduced oral and mathematics skills compared with non-users. 

What makes these negatives even more upsetting is the relative strength of marijuana from prior eras and the THC ( the component that is mind altering ) levels usually seen in today's variety. 

According to the Yankee Counsel For Drug Education, THC content of marijuana, which averaged less than 1 p.c in 1974, rose to a median 4 % by 1994. For the highly well-liked form of marijuana called Sinsemilla ( from the Spanish "without seeds" ), made from just the buds and flowering tops of female plants, THC content averages 7.5 p.c and ranges as high as twenty-four percent. 

The message has been clear in the case of marijuana use and panic episodes. The answer for these panic episodes is simple--break the habit. 

Now there's an herbal mix with effects similar, in fact nearly identical to those of other "herbs," but 100% legal and so far proven harmless. It's called simply K2 Herbal Mix. For more information on the K2 Herbal Mix, click here: K2 Herbal Mix.


Online Stock Broker - How To Find The Best Online Stock Broker

Online brokers have an important role to play when you open an online trading account. Each broker can offer different services and features. You must research all the online brokers to find the best broker to meet your needs. I have listed a large number of online brokers and placed their information for you to read in one easy-to-read webpage. This is a free, "no-cost to you" service for our valued readers and can be found on this link: Best Online Stock Brokers

What to look for in an online broker.

Brokerage rates – this is the rate at which you are charged for buying or selling through your online account. These rates are usually charged based on a sliding scale. The more units you purchase in a single transaction, the less the "cost per unit" you will pay. The exact sliding scale can vary and may sometimes be negotiable for larger purchases. Compare each broker and read the fine print within contracts. Pick the one that best meets your buying and selling style.

Account fees – Look for hidden fees in account contracts within the terms and conditions. I know of one broker who requires an extra $10 to transfer money out of an account "quickly" as against withdrawing money normally. Hardly a fair fee, I’d say. All fees should be listed in the terms and conditions listed in opening an account.

Phone access – Online services can go down during hours of service. Interruptions to broadband services, power outages and computer problems can stop you from accessing information you need at critical points. This is why you must have phone access to your online broker. Do not even consider using an online broker if they do not provide phone access.

Access to your money – I prefer having instant access to my money even though it is held in a cash account by the broker. Most brokers will have a cash account facility that is linked to your trading account. My account is linked to a MasterCard account, which means I can access that money anytime through any ATM or make purchases as I would normally using a MasterCard. Don’t be misled into thinking you must only have a separate cash holding account with the online broker. There are lots of options open to you as a client and good online brokers will provide several options for your cash holding account.

Extra benefits – seek out those brokers that give you extra incentives to open an account with them. Some offer a limited free brokerage period. Others will offer free reports on the markets you are interested in. These bonus offers can help you getting you account established and setup a profitable trading account. For more information on finding the best online stock broker feel free to visit our website.
