Thursday, April 5, 2012

Internet Marketing for Beginners

Internet Marketing for Beginners

Internet marketing for beginners is somewhat of an oxymoron. This is because while in theory the concepts behind Internet marketing might be quite simple, executing effective strategies can be extremely difficult. This can even be tough for those who are quite experienced in the world of Internet marketing. With this in mind, this article will attempt to explain the concept of Internet marketing for beginners and will outline some basic strategies which can help a business owner to launch his own Internet marketing campaign. We will cover concepts such as creating a website, placing banner ads, sending out e-newsletters, orchestrating an email marketing campaign and optimizing your website for search engines.

One of the most basic steps for starting an Internet marketing campaign is to create a website. If you don’t have a website or have a poorly designed website you should consider creating or re-designing a website to adequately market your products. If you do not have experience in web design, there are a number of software packages which make it simple for those with no design experience to create a functional website. However, hiring a web designer is worthwhile because he can work to create a website which is attractive, functional and suitable to your products and series. He can also help you include more advanced features on your website.

Banner ads are another popular option for advertising your business on the Internet. Banner ads are advertisements which typically appear along the top of a website but it may also include smaller ads in other locations. Banner ads typically include graphics and text which entice Internet users to click on the advertisement. Once a user clicks on the ad, they are directed to your website. This type of advertising can be very effective when care is taken to place the advertisements on high traffic websites which attract an audience who may have an interest in your products. 

Sending out e-newsletters can also be a part of an effective Internet marketing strategy. E-newsletters are essentially emails which may contain a variety of information including informative articles, useful quizzes, relevant advertising or any other information which is deemed worthwhile for the recipients of the e-newsletter. The importance of these newsletters is that they can be used as marketing tools which are not viewed by the recipients as an advertisement. One way to do this is to incorporate links or other soft sale approaches into the copy of the e-newsletters. However, care should be taken to keep these references minimal so the e-newsletter is not viewed as spam.

Email marketing campaigns can be another successful aspect of an Internet marketing campaign. Email marketing essentially involves sending out emails to a group of individuals who may be interested in your products and services. Care should be taken in sending out these emails to avoid sending emails which are unsolicited and will be viewed as spam. One way to do this is to only send out the emails to users who have requested inclusion on an email mailing list. Another way to do this is to provide value in the emails as opposed to just including advertisements. This can be done by offering relevant advice in your emails and other useful information which may be of interest to the recipients of the email. 

Finally, optimizing your website for search engines is a critical aspect of an Internet marketing campaign. Search engines rank websites according to quality and relevance for particular search terms. Many Internet users appreciate the effort by search engines and use these search engines to find the best websites on a particular subject. This means the Internet users are likely to only visit websites which rank well with search engines. Therefore if your website is not high ranking, you are not likely to generate a great deal of traffic from Internet users who use search engines to find relevant websites. Top ranking websites are likely to obtain the most traffic from search engines and all websites falling on the first page of the search engine results will likely enjoy some degree of success in improving their traffic. 

Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Many people think about building muscles as abandoning life outside the gym and devoting hours in the gym like a monk in a monastery. Perhaps the only way to chisel the body into a hot muscular physique is by toiling hour by hour over the rusty iron day in, day out and year in, year out.

This need not be so. Although hard work is truly required, extreme fitness demands one to be a slave of the iron weights. Full-body work outs can make one progress and it easily fits in one's schedule. This is very convenient if one is looking forward to achieving extreme fitness but finds it hard to hold on to a single work out routine.

Genuine full-body work outs done by athletes with an aim in mind makes for maximum muscle contraction using heavy weights, makes room for full recovery so one can actually grow and continue to train hard plus it also prevents burnout which is inevitable due to excess training.

So if one is ready for extreme fitness, here is all there is to know about full body work out:

Full-body work out is a time saver. The biggest plus about having the whole body trained all at once is probably having to go to the gym less frequently; perhaps around two to three times for every seven days would be enough. 

Another advantage of working out the entire body all at once is that one need not spend two or more hours of strenuous exercise in the gym for every session; one only spends one hour in the gym for every session. So that's just three to four hours per week in the gym right? With full-body work outs, it is all about the quality of exercise one does for session and not the quantity, nor even the amount of time you allot per session.

Full-body work out boosts the cardiovascular system for extreme fitness. One must allot two to four sets for every body part into the one hour session. Jam packed with exercising, each one hour session then gets the heart and the rest of the cardiovasular system pumping and up to speed in a flash. 

Now feeling pumped up, next find out what rules does one have to follow when engaging in full-body work outs:

Training commences only once every two to three days. This is so easy isn't it? What is great about this is that there is time spared during rest days so that one can indulge in a few cardio exercise sessions instead of depending on cardio execises one normally does at the end of each work out session which after all, are not at all very effective.

Heavy lifting is strongly advised. Contrary to popular belief, especially among athletes. It is not true that it is good to get trapped on training lightly than one actually could so as to conserve energy for the other body parts that will come later in the routine. What is true is that one cannot achieve optimal progress if one is not training heavy, no matter which program that person is doing.

One exercise only per muscle group. This is very easy to follow and is also important. Doing basic exercises which are also intense means you do not have to do another different exercise for that body part.

Keep work out short. Resistance training affects the natural homones of the body connected to muscle building. Intense exercising boosts the testosterone levels and long work outs increase those of catabolic cortisol. Sixty minutes of work out allows you to get the best of both worlds. 

Now with this convenient and powerful work out regimen, one can now truly experience extreme fitness.

Finding the Beauty Within While Dieting

Finding the Beauty Within While Dieting

There seems to be one universal truth when it comes to dieting. No one really enjoys the process though we all eagerly await and anticipate the results. The problem is that far too many men and women around the world focus so much on dieting and perfecting their external beauty that they forget the beautiful people they are inside along the way. Our culture is becoming obsessive about the perfect body and the perfect body image.

If there was one message that should make it out to everyone dieing it is this: dieting should be more about health than beauty. You should not need to conform to some preconceived notion of what is or should be beautiful. If we create a world where everyone looks alike it would be rather boring in the end.

You need to focus on being happy with who you are in order to achieve the greatest dieting success you will have ever dared dream. Many of use eat out of emotional need or a simple need for comfort when we are depressed, hurting, uncertain, or simply in unfamiliar territory. There is no solution that will work for everyone when it comes to making peace with who you are and this by no means indicates that you should no longer seek to be the healthiest you there is. It simply means that your focus should be more on coming to terms with who you are as a person than in creating a new person or imagine behind which you can hide. 

Dieting for the most part is an opportunity for many men and women to become someone else. Whether that someone is the person you used to be or some person you think you want to be, you are quite unlikely find happiness at any weight until you accept you for the person you are inside. This is often a difficult process but one that is well worth the effort. Once you've accepted the person inside you can address the specific needs that often lead to the excess weight to begin with. Depression is a common factor in weight gain as well as an inability to lose weight. By finding contentment depression will no longer a controlling factor in you life. For many, this is the freedom they need from their weight problems while others will find there are still hurdles remaining.

The important thing is that you stop allowing the person you are to be defined by what the scales say about you. Once you've reached a point in your life where you are happy with your appearance and feel that your personal fitness level is in hand you should discuss things with your doctor and see what he or she has to say. We do not need a nation of size 5 women. We need a nation of women who are self-aware and self confident and not afraid to be who they are on the inside regardless of how they look on the outside. 

Finding the beauty within is often the most important aspect of dieting that there can be. Take the time while dieting to get to know the person you are and introduce that person to the person you want to be. In time the two will work out a healthy compromise and you will find that image isn't really everything no matter what the glossy magazines try to tell you.

Dieting with a Busy Schedule

Dieting with a Busy Schedule

When it comes to dieting many of us find that the number one hindrance to our success is the lack of time to prepare the proper meals and snacks for our dietary needs. It is often much more convenient to throw one thing in the crock pot for the family or resort to the fast food last resort rather than preparing the healthy and nutritious meal that we should be eating.

There are things you can do however that will reduce the temptation to hit the drive thru and keep you on course with your dieting needs. The first of these is a process known as once a week cooking. With this method you cook enough meals to last you a week on one day. This means that for every night of the week you have a diet friendly meal ready to go. If your entire family is dieting or eating healthier with you, this works for this situation as well. Dieting and incorporating healthier eating habits into the food for your entire family is a great way to set an example for your children will keeping you motivated and removing temptation. 

With once a week cooking you freeze the food that won't be immediately consumed and thaw it the morning you will be eating the food to cook when you arrive home after work or decide it is time for your evening meal. This is a process that works well no matter how many soccer games, dance practices, and band recitals you have on your calendar for the week. You can manage to stick to your diet while having a great meal for your family each and every night of the week. 

You should also make sure to have a nice supply and cleaned and cut fruits, vegetables, and salad ingredients in your refrigerator in order to make these dishes readily assessable for quick lunches or snacks. Having these foods readily available will help you resist the temptation to snack on higher calorie prepackaged food while also helping to insure that you have a ready supply of fresh fruits and vegetables to help you get your 5 servings a day. 

You should also keep some conveniently packaged yogurt on hand as a good quick and easy dairy product. Sugar free pudding cups are another decent snack for those who need something quick and easy to have on hand. Preparation and planning are essential to successfully meeting your weight loss goals. By preparing as much of the food as possible ahead of time you will never even miss the convenience of those high calorie pre packaged meals and snacks that so many of us survive on when not dieting. 

Another time saver is to work your fitness opportunities into the course of your day. Rather than performing one lengthy workout each day, try to find methods of bringing a little fitness activity into the most mundane portions of your day (go stair climbing at lunch, park on the top level of the parking garage and walk down-then up when returning-the stairs), park far away from the door of the supermarket and see if your mall has a walking path that is clearly marked. You'll be amazed at the hidden opportunities many of us have for exercising during our busy days. The trick is often in discovering the activities rather than the time. 

When all is said and done, dieting doesn't have to be as time consuming as you may think it is. There are all kinds of prepackaged plans for dieters however if that is the choice you feel is best for you. Whether you are going with Lean Cuisine meals, Weight Watchers frozen entrees, Jenny Craig, or the Slim Fast program there are all kinds of opportunities to work dieting and fitness into even the busiest of schedules. When planning your dieting practices be sure to consider the tips and advice mentioned above.

Dieting for Success Making it Happen

Dieting for Success Making it Happen

Dieting is far too often approached from the mindset of impending failure. Too many people have tried and failed so many diets in their past that they try the next new diet with the absolute knowledge that they will fail in this attempt as well. Guess what? They will. 

Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or think you can't you will always be right." If you think you are going to fail at this diet you are dooming yourself to failure before you even deprive yourself of the first bite. Think about that before you begin because only a true masochist could find pleasure in perpetuating this vicious cycle without ever stopping to wonder why none of the other diets have worked for you. Henry Ford also said, "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently". In case you were wondering I would say his words are quite profound. Seriously though, if you do not examine the reasons for your failures you are certainly dooming yourself to repeat them and if you are already planning to fail why on earth would you even try?

You are the only person who can take control of your need to eat. You are the only one who can pay attention and notice when you are eating for emotional fulfillment and when you are eating from necessity. You and you alone can get yourself out of your chair and on your feet. You are the only one that can take the responsibility for the condition in which you find yourself. There are medical exceptions but even in these situations if you are trying diet after diet and failing over and over again then you must at some point in time realize that it is quite likely not the diets that aren't working. 

We must all be accountable for our successes and failures in life. It is no different when it comes to dieting. There are few better feelings in the world than for someone to notice and compliment your efforts. If you are very obese unfortunately, it may take a little more time for people to actually notice the weight you've lost. Too many men and women give up simply because no one noticed and that is an incredible shame. Give your dieting practices an opportunity to work before you decide they are a failure and you just might surprise yourself with a roaring success.

The truth is far too few people hold themselves accountable to their dieting and weight loss goals. This means that far too many people are giving up without really ever bothering to give it an effort. If you have an issue holding yourself accountable to your dieting plans, perhaps you would do well to diet with a partner. This helps you not only set goals but also to meet and exceed challenges along the way. A partner can also benefit from the partnership as he or she will be challenged and feel the need to perform better than if he or she were dieting alone.

You must hold yourself accountable to your stated dieting and weight loss goals in order to achieve any lasting results. If you have not had dieting success in the past, then perhaps it is time to bring some degree of accountability into the picture and make it happen.

3 Hour Dieting

3 Hour Dieting

When it comes to the world of dieting you will find that there are many diet, weight loss, and fitness plans on the market. It takes years for some to become a contender and others remain a best-kept secret of sorts. One such 'best kept' secret would be the 3 Hour Diet that was designed by Jorge Cruise. I am sure that there are many reading along and chuckling under your breath that there is no way one can lose weight by eating every three hours however the science behind the theory is fairly common and Jorge Cruise is a mainstay in the fitness industry. 

The long and short of this diet operates with the knowledge that if you do not feed your body accurately and regularly your body will go into what is called 'starvation mode'. In this mode your body holds onto the fat rather than burning it up and consuming it for use. This means that your body is burning muscle rather than fat to take the energy it needs in order to function. 

With the 3 Hour Diet you will not feel hungry all the time, in fact, there are many who claim they are constantly setting alarms and reminding themselves to eat. You will also learn the proper foods to eat in order to achieve the best possible results. The key is in learning which foods are right for you when dieting with this plan. You can purchase the book The 3-Hour Diet by Jorge Cruise and you can sign up online for more information about the weight plan itself and how to incorporate it into your busy routine. 

I do recommend purchasing the book if you are seriously considering this as your method of dieting as there are many wonderful hints, tips, and tricks that are mentioned in the book to help you keep things going no matter how busy and hectic your lifestyle may be. One thing you need to keep in mind is that dieting with a program such as this is no small commitment. You need to stick to the timetable as much as possible in order to achieve the results this plan is famous for. If you aren't willing to eat every three hours then this plan really may not be the plan for you.

Otherwise, if this is something you would be interested in, I highly recommend it. There are special considerations based on the amount you weight currently and the amount of weight you are hoping to lose. It is best if you are honest throughout the process in order to achieve the best possible and most immediate results. The claim is that you can lose as many as 10 pounds in the first two weeks and there are those that have claimed to do just that over and over again. This is a diet that even many celebrities endorse for quick and immediate results. 

The good and the bad about 3 hour dieting is that it is effective but takes a very real commitment on the part of the one that is dieting. This diet is one that is taking the world by storm. If you haven't heard of it before now, please take the time to check it out and see if this is something you could incorporate into your life. The results that have been reported as a result of this diet as nothing short of phenomenal. If there were one diet I would recommend above others for those who hate feeling hungry, it would be this diet. 

4-day Camping Menu Plan

A family camping menu should be:

1. Easy and quick to prepare.
2. Requires only a few ingredients and
3. Those ingredients are easy to store at camp (not prone to spilling, spoiling, space-hogging).

Here is our family's 4-Day Camping menu plan. We have tweaked it over the years and I'm sure you will tweak it some more for your family's style and needs.

4-Day Camping Food Menu Plan

1st Night: Lloyds BBQ Ribs, corn, coleslaw and potato salad

Wrap ribs in heavy-duty foil, heat, open a can of corn and serve with ready-made coleslaw and potato salad. First night is celebration night. You've put up the tent, you've build a campfire, you've unpacked your gear. So kick back and relax. By the way, Costco is my favorite place to get a big tub of potato salad and coleslaw.

DAY 1 ==========
Breakfast: Blueberry Pancakes, sausage and eggs
Lunch: Chili dog and leftover coleslaw/potato salad
Dinner: Grilled marinated steak tips, baked potatoes & camping onions. If no grill: Easy Pork Chops and bread rolls
Dessert: S'mores

DAY 2 ==========
Breakfast: Cereal and fruit, corny cakes
Lunch: Tortellini and tomato sauce
Dinner: Meat loaf sandwich & Italian Wedding Soup (canned)
Dessert: Mini Camping Pies

DAY 3 ==========
Breakfast: French Toast, sausage and eggs
Lunch: Chowder in bread bowl or grill burgers and hot dogs
Dinner: Ham, beans and baked sweet potatoes
Dessert: Peach Mallows

DAY 4 ==========
Breakfast: Pancakes, sausage and eggs
Lunch: Foil-wrapped Surprise (Whatever's left in camp kitchen)

Do we stick religiously to this menu plan? Of course not. But being prepared gives me the freedom to be more creative and flexible.


Travel Jobs & How to Make Money While You Travel

Travel Jobs & How to Make Money

Ever had the desire to quit your lame 9 to 5 job, tell your boss to shove it, pack up and start traveling the world? 

All of us have had that desire at one point! The thing that stopped you was probably the same thing that stops most people: money. 

“How will I pay for my flights, food, lodging, transportation, yada, yada, yada,” you asked yourself. 

Don’t let these concerns bother you too much, because there is an underground, growing group of travelers who are utilizing some simple but hidden techniques to make significant incomes while traveling. 

Here’s an overview of how we make money traveling and by landing travel jobs:

Underground Travel Income Method #1 – Traditional Travel Job - Hold a job that either a) pays for us to travel or b) is located in the place we wish to travel to. This is the lowest paying and most complicated method of all, but is the most commonplace. 

Common jobs that pay for travels are for professional speakers, salespeople, package couriers, flight attendants, travel nurses/doctors, conservationists, cruise ship workers, etc. 

Travel jobs located in the places we wish to go to can be any of the above, but also are specific to the location we travel to. There are some FUN jobs overseas that are looking for foreign workers!

Underground Travel Income Method #2 – Travel Writing – Travel writing jobs for magazines are more common than you may imagine. However, there are LOADS of other ways to write as you travel and make money, including blogging, picking up projects from sites like Elance and Guru, and writing travel guides, both online and offline. 

Underground Travel Income Method #3 – Selling Affiliate Products – Using a simple website, you can drive online traffic to a product that will be of interest to your online followers. Don’t be intimidated by this! It can be as easy as using your very own Facebook or Myspace profile. Affiliate products typically pay 50% to 75%, so you can make a very healthy income for selling just a few objects. 

Underground Travel Income Method #4 – Filming Your Adventures – If you’ve got the camera out and you’re taking pictures, why not switch it to ‘film’ mode and make money from it? You simply make a video of your destinations using iMovie or Windows Movie Maker, then use your videos to create a customer base!

Underground Travel Income Method #5 – Podcasting – If filming scares you off or intimidates you, you can make an iTunes podcast. It is easier than ever to get listed in iTunes and there’s a HUGE audience of podcast listeners. Simply talk about the places you visit two or three times a week and watch how your following grows… and how your bank account grows!

Underground Travel Income Method # 6 – Ebay – The common misconception about Ebay is that you have to sell a physical product to make money. Here’s the trick: You can set up a fulfillment house to ship your product (or hire your little sister or the neighborhood kid). All you have to do is create your Ebay post from an internet café and collect the money!

Take any one of these six ‘travel job’ methods, and there are hundreds of travelers all over the world making more money than they would at a regular ‘job…’ and they’re living it up at exotic, world-class destinations. Take your pick, and take action on the ideas here!

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The Meaning of the Thumbs-up Hand Gesture Around the World

The Meaning of the Thumbs-up Hand Gesture Around the World

Hand gestures mean different things in different countries. What is considered a cool sign may be a grave insult in another country. This article takes a look at one of the most common signs: the thumbs-up sign.

The thumbs-up sign consists of a closed fist held with the thumb extended upward. The most common interpretation of this sign is as a sing of approval (there is even a metaphor in English: The proposal was given a thumbs-up), but there are some countries where it may be an insult or where it will not be understood.

The origin of the sign is unclear, but one theory is that the thumbs up sign was used by the crowds to signal if a defeated gladiator should be spared, whereas the thumbs down would signal that he should be killed.

Let's have a look at different countries and what the thumbs-up sign means there:

Australia - If it is still or downwards, it usually means OK or alright (or agreement). Thumbs-up with a little upward motion can be a grave insult, depending on context.

Canada - The sign means alright or good. you can use it to signify approval.

China - OK, good.

Egypt - Perfect, good

France - OK.

Germany - Ok, well done, great.

Greece - Means great, good job, OK, congratulations.

Iran - Very obscene gesture.

Iraq - Very obscene gesture.

Ireland - OK, good.

Italy - OK, go or alright or used for hitchhiking.

Japan - Sometimes means ''good'', not widely practiced by adults.

New Zealand - Means like all good, or yes or anything positive really (when hitchhiking this gesture is also used but held right out so people in cars can see).

Russia - Well done, good.

Spain - All right.

Sweden - OK, great.

Thailand - Very obscene gesture.

Turkey - Not used.

United Kingdom - OK, good.

USA - Means ''great'' or ''awesome'' or whatever. Also used to sign approval, but stronger than an OK sign.

Please note that meaning of gestures varies among various parts of countries and also among cultural groups and between generations.

Happy travels!


Three Cheap Travel Tips

Cheap travel means you get to go more often, go on longer trips or just save some of your money for other things. Fortunately, it doesn't mean low-quality travel. If you find a way to get a cheaper plane ticket, for example, you might be flying on the same plane as with the more expensive tickets. 

Of course sometimes you can save money by traveling differently, and that's okay too. Why pay an extra $40 for a hotel if you like the idea of staying in a hostel with visitors from around the world? Why rent a car in countries where good bus and train systems make for cheaper and more interesting trips?

Essentially you can travel cheap in two ways. First, you can find cheaper ways to get the same thing. The other, perhaps more powerful way, is to alter your expectations and plans to create a more interesting trip that is also inexpensive. The tips that follow will help you do both.

1. See if you can book two flights cheaper than one.

My wife and I are thinking about going to Ecuador this year (2007). Checking for our approximate dates, I found that it would cost $950 each round trip from Colorado Springs, or $1,900 total. Then I checked from Colorado Springs to Miami. It would be $215 round trip. From Miami to Guayaquil, Ecuador costs $350 round trip. That makes it just $565 to Ecuador, or $1,130 total - a savings of $770.

Of course, if you are going to do this, you have to find flights that have enough time in-between them. You probably won't get e refund if you miss the second flight because of a delay on the first. In our case, we have friends near Miami, so we'll just arrange the flights to be a day or two apart, and go visiting. Even after the cost of renting a car for a couple days we'll still be hundreds of dollars ahead.

2. Live in a new place for a while.

One way to make a vacation less rushed, cheaper, and in many ways more interesting, is to stop going from hotel to hotel. Why not stay in a place, and even rent a condo or apartment? We did this a few years back in Tucson, Arizona. It was nice to escape winter for a couple months, and it was fun to explore and get to know a new city. Often you can save hundreds of dollars this way, versus paying by the night for hotel rooms.

3. Be an opportunistic traveler.

This is the most valuable of these cheap travel tips. There are so many things to do out there and so many places to see, so why get stuck on just the ones you have already thought of? With a little luck, you might find a more interesting place to go for half the price. With little shopping, you might find a bed and breakfast in whatever country you visit, and pay less for a more interesting experience.

First look for all the possible alternatives that are less expensive. This isn't about doing something you don't want to do. But among those cheaper choices there might be a perfect trip for you. Why not find out? To start with, do any of your friends live in interesting places? Visiting friends is a great way to save on travel costs and have a load of fun (with the right friends). 

Here's a good example of being an opportunist. We were in the mountain resort town of Banos, Ecuador, and asked about the cost of taxi ride to some waterfall. It was $15. It was apparently a popular attraction with tourists. We kept that in mind as we wandered around. Then we saw a chiva (an open-sided bus with seating on the roof) go by playing music. We asked about that.

The chiva took us on a tour of the city (I rode on the roof), then up into the mountains for a view of the city from above. Then we watched the volcano Tungurahua erupt and spit out a bit of lava. They served us hot rum drinks (included in the price), and there were fire-juggling entertainers. Passengers had to push the chiva to get it started for the trip back to town. The cost of all this? $3 each. Cheap travel does not mean uninteresting travel.


Travel Trip and Agents Package Tour to Famous Tourist Places Udaipur Jaipur Jaisalmer Jodhpur in Rajasthan India

Travel Trip and Package Tour to Famous Tourist Places Udaipur Jaipur Jaisalmer Jodhpur in Rajasthan India. Rajasthan is situated in the North Western part of India and shares geographical boundaries with Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in India. Sarthi Travels is Travel Agents & Tour Operators in Udaipur Rajasthan.

Famous and Important Tourist Places like Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer City Guide, Jodhpur, Mevar, Shrinathji Darshan in Nathdwara, Junagarh Fort in Bikaner, Kota at Chambal River, Mehrangarh Fort, Surya Nagari, Chittorgarh Palace, Kumbhalgarh, Ranakpur Tourism, Rajasthani Palace, Mount Abu in Rajasthan.

To book and plan your great holidays in any favourite tourist places like Udaipur Jaipur Jaisalmer Jodhpur etc in Rajasthan you can contact Sarthi Travels. Also for corporate hotel and resort booking services and great car rentan services with complete tour package Sarthi Travels is an ideal choice as Travel Agents in Udaipur Rajasthan. Also Rent a Vintage Car is favourite in udaipur and jaipur rajasthan.

The People: There is majesty in every man of Udaipur in Rajasthan; they are after all the sons of kings. Rajasthan is a harsh, scorched land of savage summer heat but also full of the brightest colours. Countering the barren landscape with vibrant hues in their everyday wear and charming murals painted on their drab sepia-coloured mud homes, for the people, life is one big carnival. Even in the face of sure death. Here are many tales of desperate courage writ. Of men donning saffron robes and riding out to confront the enemy and women folk preferring death to dishonour. Even in everyday life today, the Rajput's sense of honour, family and tradition come foremost.

Culture: Rajasthan has made its contribution to Indian art; there is a rich literary tradition, especially of bardic poetry. Chand Bardai's poem Prithvi Raj Raso or Chand Raisa, the earliest manuscript of which dates to the 12th century, is particularly notable. A popular source of entertainment is the khyal, a dance drama composed in verse with festive, historical, or romantic themes. The typical folk dance of Rajasthan is the ghoomar, which is performed on festive occasions only by women. The geer dance, the panihari and the kacchi ghori are also popular.

So, Now you can plany your Travel Trip to Udaipur Jaipur Jaisalmer Jodhpur etc.. in Rajasthan India, with Sarthi Travels which is famous Travel Agents & Tour Operators in Udaipur Rajasthan, to enjoy your great holidays.


The Mayan Civilization: the Collapse

The Mayan civilization has been credited with having the first written language in the pre-Columbian American continent. Aside from that, Maya civilization developed sophisticated mathematical and astronomical systems at par with European civilization. Remnants of its art and architecture remain until today, so people of today can view the magnificent Mayan buildings and paintings.

The Maya civilization was one of the greatest Mesoamerican civilizations, but at some point in time, they simply disappeared. What happened to them?

Theories of the Classic Maya Collapse

The Classic Maya Collapse, as the collapse of the Maya civilization is dubbed among experts, has not been fully explained; and so several theories are being put forth by experts to try and explain the reason why the great Maya civilization shattered from prominence. 

Social Theories
Social theories being put forth by experts include foreign invasion, but this is widely disputed as the process was so complex that it is impossible for a single military defeat to cause the collapse of a civilization. This theory is fueled by the amount of Teotihuacan influences in the Maya region, but opponents of this theory argue that the two civilizations had been in contact since at the Early Classic Period.

Another social theory being put forth is a revolution among the lower classes. Proponents of this theory hypothesized that, at the peak of the civilization, the lower class may have been overloaded with work and revolted. Evidences of temple burning and throne destruction are used as support for this theory. However, people not subscribing to this line of thought point to several flaws, like no revolts were ever documented by the Maya. They also argue that throughout its existence, the Mayas had a stable government, and so, one political problem could not have brought the downfall of the civilization. 

Environmental Theories
There are several environmental theories that relate to the collapse of the Maya civilization. These include catastrophic events such as natural disasters. Mayanists dispute this theory, as there have been no evidence of a past volcanic eruption being discovered in the archaeological records left behind by the Mayas. According to Dr. Richardson Gill, volcanic eruptions may have been a way of cooling the climate in the Mayan region after a drought since droughts have been accurately documented by the Spanish in the Mayan region. However, no archaeological evidence existed to support the volcanic eruption theory. 

Some experts also point to epidemic diseases as a possible cause of the decline in the Maya civilization. According to proponents of this theory, the Maya civilization may have decreased during the collapse because of some epidemic that spread across the land. Although this theory is not well accepted, it is also plausible because disease may have arisen from drought and famine. It is generally thought that disease merely contributed to the decline, but it is not a major factor in the collapse. 

The Remnants of the Maya Civilization
The Maya people never truly disappeared. Most of them have survived until today, and are designated post-colonial Mayas to differentiate them from the pre-Hispanic Maya civilization. 

Maya influence remains to this day. Mayan cuisine is still available in an island called Isla Mujeres in Mexico. Some companies have even taken to naming themselves after the Mayas, most notably the Grupo Mayan firm.

Lake Wallenpaupack Poconos Guide

The Lake Wallenpaupack Poconos Guide is finally here. For many years there has never been an official guide for Lake Wallenpaupack lovers. Now you can get all the latest Lake Wallenpaupack area and Poconos Pa News in one source

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Who Are The Largest Life Insurance Companies?

One of the more profitable modern day businesses is life insurance companies. The most influential corporations in the world sell policies.

These popular and larger companies have great prices that help customers. The insurance Industry enjoys economic stability, and that is why these companies are able to make the best use of the money which the consumers have put in and get an attractive cash return.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife), Transamerica Occidental Insurance Company and American General Insurance Company (the AIG company) These are some of the brands that are recognized in the USA. These companies deal mostly with Life Insurance. Term and whole life insurance policies are both handled with ease and comfort by them.

Similar methods and principles are used by all of the largest life insurance companies. They serve their customers needs by offering life coverage policies. However, they differ in their coverage plans and terms.

The company gives assurance for compensation and after doing the needful about your health status it will insure your life for a certain sum for which you will pay regular installments.In big cities it is the Metropolitan life insurance company. offers definite service factors, simple policy administration and reliable operations. For financial planning, they can provide the services and solutions that their clients need. With a market share that includes $2 trillion worth of policies, MetLife is among the largest insurers in America. MetLife provides financial holding with a countrywide-chartered bank.

In addition, MetLife serves clients in the continents of Asia and Europe, as a member of Reinsurance Group of America. MetLife was certified in 2005 as being the largest life insurer in the US, including the implementation of both traveler's life as well as allowance group. MetLife offers both term and whole life policies at a cheap rate and avoids rider.

According to the press releases, American General insurance Company is another of the biggest insurance company in the United States. A leader in the world the company has dealings in financial services ,such as insurance,retirement planning and investment. Internationally spread over most parts of the world known this company is known as AIG ,It has presence all over Asia,North America, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. AIG, also known as American International Group.

There is provision in AIG for some savings on the policies related to life, and these are at reasonable rates, which can be afforded easily. Online quotes offer an effortless and hassle free shopping option to their customers. AIG plans include term life, whole life and universal life insurance coverage. However, their term life policy is the most widely used as compared to others.

The Transamerica Corporation is the holding company of a number of companies active in the field of life insurance and investment. Among these firms, Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company is the biggest insurer. They also handle affordable policies, including term, whole and universal.

All the above listed companies sell life insurance policies at affordable rates and assure security to their customers. Major players in the industry share some of the same qualities. The payments on customers' policies make enormous profits for these firms.

The success of the life insurance company is determined by the status of the floats, these floats are the premiums,which have been termed as floats. Certain financial rating companies such as A.A status of life insurance companies is evaluated annually by M Best, Fitch, Diamond Bond, Standard and Poor. Their findings show that, MetLife, AIG, TOIC and Prudential are the four biggest companies.

Larger companies are frequently chosen because of the confidence and security they offer, as opposed to seemingly sketchy, unknown brands. To see how much such things could cost you please consult one of the links below.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Look at Protection Insurance

A Look at Protection Insurance 
Protection insurance provides a vital role in making a homeowner sleep soundly at night or a worker not to have to worry about being off for a while sick. Despite the recent bad press about the way the insurance has been sold to the public in the past, the products offer good value and a range of covers.
Mortgage protection and income protection insurance are the two main types of insurance available on the market today.
On the face of it they appear to be very different products providing cover for very different items, however both are a type of protection insurance cover, originally known as 'permanent health' and it could be argued that they offer the same cover for the same risks, with a different marketing angle.
Both provide a monthly cash sum to cover out-goings when the policyholder cannot work due to sickness, an accident or a period of short-term unemployment.
Permanent health is more commonly known today as accident, sickness and unemployment insurance or protection insurance.
All protection insurance policies are designed to provide a monthly income on a short-term basis often no longer than a year, to people who cannot work due to one of these perils.
Policies pay out benefits if you are sick, injured or lose your job. Benefits are paid out on a monthly basis for the term agreed. The policyholder pays a small amount of premium each month by direct debit for the cover.
A brief history of protection products
Permanent health insurance emerged in the UK around 1900 and was sold in the days when insurance salesman knocked on your door touting their products. The 'Man from the Prudential' on his weekly visit with his notepad and receipt book, is a classic example of such door to door sales.
Permanent health insurance provided limited short-term protection for workers and their families if the main breadwinner suffered an accident or was injured at work. This was in the days before health and safety ay work, unemployment benefit, sickness pay, statutory sick pay and accident claims lawyers.
The concept of different types of protection insurance first emerged in the 1980's with the increasing home ownership and a consumerism zeitgeist, the market responded to a need for more flexible and desirable covers by promoting protection insurance.
Initially mortgage protection was sold in vast numbers to the new home owning public, often by the same company who was providing the mortgage or loan. The fact that it was often mis-sold to people who could not possibly claim such as the self-employed, or that people felt coerced into buying the product on fear of not being given the mortgage, did not seem to matter at the time.
People like to protect their property and religiously paid their monthly payments for cover.
The 1980's was also a time of boom bust and unemployment was high, as the Western economies restructured and heavy industry went into decline.
The insurance companies immediately saw a gap in the market and produced income protection insurance for unemployment. After all most workers had monthly expenditure, even if they did not own their own property.
Mortgage protection was only available to homeowners, however income protection insurance could be offered to everybody in work, tripling the market potential for sales. The fear of being unemployed at the time was enough to make the product an instant success.
The mis-selling scandal of the early twenty-first century has led to a drop in sales over recent years, however the products remain good value for those who are eligible.
Mortgage and Income Protection
Today both products are widely available to the public and can easily be bought online.
Mortgage and income protection often covers the same benefits for the same events and policyholders should only buy one or the other to avoid double indemnity problems.
The same personal data is collected in the same way in order to issue a policy, with the exception that a proposal for mortgage protection will ask for the current mortgage company details.
Both types of protection insurance are handled in the same manner from both an underwriting and claims perspective, although there are subtle differences between the two products and their respective policy wordings.
Terms and conditions regarding cover in the event of a claim are broadly the same for each types. Both types of policy will exclude people who do not fit strictly defined criteria, such as the requirement to have been in work for at least six months in order to qualify for cover, or not to have any pre-existing medical conditions.
The main difference between the two protection products is that in the case of mortgage protection, the benefits are designed to cover monthly mortgage costs alone.
To enable the benefits to cover the large costs of most mortgages, the amount of benefit paid under a mortgage protection agreement is usually significantly higher than the most that can be paid out under an income protection insurance policy.
Income protection is designed to cover monthly bills and out-goings and is usually restricted to a maximum of fifty percent of the proposer's monthly income.
Mortgage protection polices these days often allow the policyholder to top up the benefit to even higher limits to cover additional monthly costs such as public service bills and council tax. This additional cover is effectively to cover income.
With the ease of use of Internet, many protection insurance offerings are available today and it is very easy to shop around and compare prices, covers, exclusion clauses, and limits of indemnity for all variations of this type of insurance.
When looking for Protection insurance on the Internet search for a product such as Mortgage Protection Insurance. Shop around and visit regulated and time trusted suppliers of protection insurance such as Personal Accident for both types of protection insurance policies.

Hairstyles for Round Face Shapes - What Hair Styles Will Suit your Round Face Best

Hairstyles for Round Face Shapes

If you are like many women out there and have been gifted a round face, there are specific hairstyles for round face shapes that will make you look more beautiful.

But before we proceed to give you hairstyle ideas, here's an important question...

Are you sure you have a round face?

To make sure that you are going to get your best look with these hairstyle tips, it's important that you first make sure you have a round face.

One simple way is to put your hair into a ponytail and go in front of the mirror. Then draw the outline of your face on the mirror with a lip stick around your face. Then step back and see what shape it is more similar to.

Here is a list of face shapes to help you see which one your face drawing is more similar to...

* Oval
* Round
* Long
* Heart
* Square
* Diamond 

Another great technique to see if your face is really round is to ask other people like your friends or family members to guess your face shape. Since they will have an outsider's look, they can say more accurately.
OK, so now that you are sure you have a round face, let's see what kind of hair style will look best on you...

The best hairstyles that will look good on you are those that add length to your face.

A long straight hair is a good idea because long hair will make your face look longer, and since it's straight it will make your head width show less.

So what if your hair is not straight and it's curly?

Here you can see some beautiful Sedu hairstyles for straight hair.

Another good hairstyle idea that will look perfect on round faces is a long hairstyle with curly ends because it will add width to the bottom of your face and make the width disappear.

Also an easy way to find beautiful hairstyles for round face is to see which celebrity has a round face and then search for thatcelebrity's hairstyles pictures.

Since celebrities frequently try different hairstyles, you can easily find a collection of good round face hairstyles this way. You can see which hair styles fits her face most and then try it on yourself.

But at the end, remember it's YOU and only you who decides which hairstyle you feel most comfortable in, and that it the hairstyle that will also look most beautiful on you.

If you like a hairstyle that doesn't fit the rules outlined here, it doesn't matter. Because when you like your hairstyle and feel good in it, all the rest goes away because this confidence and inner beauty will shine through your face and you will look more beautiful than ever.

Wish you the best of luck in choosing your hair style!

Then a long hairstyle will still look good on you. You may want to use a hair straightener like the popular Sedu flat iron to make your hair straight sometimes.